Liberals and Constitutional Reforms

who introduced the Peoples Budget?
Lloyd George
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what year was the Peoples Budget INTRODUCED?
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why was the Peoples Budget introduced?
1) to gain more money for social reform& defense to solve poverty issues 2)hit the rich:the rich are seeming a burden because protest against their 'fair share' of tax 3)clash with lords:a way of circumventing HOL
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what did the Peoples Budget involve?
increased tax, higher cost of liquor licences paid by brewers, death duties, car tax, land tax, tax on tobacco & spirits
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what year was the Peoples Budget PASSED?
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how did the House of Lords react to the Peoples Budget?
unfair on rich,attacking rice,endangering class system as equality blurs lines of classes, all rich's activity/lifestyle taxed, not allowing rich to live using money they 'rightfully earned'
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when was the Constitutional Crisis?
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who led the Liberal Government during the Constitutional Crisis?
Asquith (Campbell-Bannerman died 1908)
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why was the 15th January 1910 'Peers vs. People' election held?
Asquith called this election to question the unnecessary power the HOL had to reject/amend any measure which the HOC wish to pass.
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what was the outcome of the 'Perrs vs. People' election?
liberals lost majority so turned to irish nationalists and Labour to get majority (therefore Peoples Budget passed 1910)
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who were the 'hedgers' and 'ditchers'?
(within conservatives) hedgers=vote with gov and pass bill. ditchers=prevent bill
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what were the 3 clauses of the Parliament Act?
1)HOL cant amend or reject finance bills (HOC decide which are finance bills) 2)HOL can only amend/reject non-finance bills up to 3 times before they automatically become law 3)general elections to be held every 5yrs not every 7yrs.
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when was the Parliament Bill passed?
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why was the Parliament Bill passed?
1) jan 1910 election lib(and irish nationalist and labour)majority=a mandate for reform 2)king promised to create new peers if libs won next gen.election & they did in dec 1910 so bill passed HOC again and HOL when hedgers outvoted ditchers
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outline the strengths and weaknesses of the outcome of the constitutional crisis for the Liberals.
strengths:reduce HOL power to veto using force (strong), could move forward with reforms eg:National Insurance 1911 Weaknesses:didnt take chance to reform HOL eg how elected, split cabinet(hedgers ditchers), reaction not planned change
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Card 2


what year was the Peoples Budget INTRODUCED?



Card 3


why was the Peoples Budget introduced?


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Card 4


what did the Peoples Budget involve?


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Card 5


what year was the Peoples Budget PASSED?


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