Liberalism Key Words

a system of agrarian based on production that is characterised by fixed social hierarchies and a rigid pattern of obligations
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Divine Right
doctrine that early rulers are chosen by God and thus wield unchallengeable authority - divine right is a defense for monarchical absolutism
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form of government in which political power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or smaller group, in particular an absolute monarchy
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Classical Liberalism
tradition within liberalism that seeks to maximise the realm of unconstrained individual action, typically by establishing a minimal state and a reliance on market economics
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Modern Liberalism
tradition within liberalism that provides a qualified endorsement for social and economic intervention as a means of promoting personal development
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The Enlightenment
an intellectual movement that reached its peak in the 18th century and challenged traditional beliefs in religion, politics and learning in general in the name of reason and politics
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a beleif that society is made up of a collection of self-interested and largely self-sufficient indivisuals, or atoms, rather than social groups
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Human Nature
essential and innate character of all human beings
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Freedom / Liberty
ability to think and act as one wishes, a capacity that can be associated with the individual, a social group or a nation
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Negative Freedom
absence of external contraints on the individual, allowing freedom of choice
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Positive Freedom
self-mastery or self-realization, the achievement of autonomy or the development of human capacities
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a moral standard of fairness and impartiality; social justice is the notion of a fair or justifiable distribution of wealth and rewards within society
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principle human beings are of identical worth / are entitled to be treated in the same way
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a society in which social position is determined exclusively by ability and hard work
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belief in diversity / choice / political power should be wdely and evenly dispersed
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willingness to accept views / actions with which one disagrees
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self-government; ability to control own destiny by virtue of enjoying independence from external influences
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an association that establishes soverieng power within a defined territorial area usually possessing a monopoly of coercive power
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Social Contract
a hypothetical agreement among individuals through which they form a state in order to escape from the disorder and chaos of the `state of nature`
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State of Nature
pre-political society characterised by unrestrained freedom and the absence of established authority
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rule by the people - implies both popular participation and government in the public interest, and can take a wide variety of forms
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territorial distribution of power based on the sharing of sovereignty between central bodies and regional / provincial ones
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Civil Liberty
a citizen`s private sphere of existence; freedom from government
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Civil Society
a realm of autonomous associations and groups, formed by private citizens and enjoying independence from government - includes businesses, families, clubs etc
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belief in the majority rule - implies either majority dominates the minority, or the minority should defer to the judgement of the majority
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assent / permission, in politics usually an agreement to be governed / ruled
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Free Market
principle / policy of unfettered market competiton, free from government influence
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Card 2


doctrine that early rulers are chosen by God and thus wield unchallengeable authority - divine right is a defense for monarchical absolutism


Divine Right

Card 3


form of government in which political power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or smaller group, in particular an absolute monarchy


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Card 4


tradition within liberalism that seeks to maximise the realm of unconstrained individual action, typically by establishing a minimal state and a reliance on market economics


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Card 5


tradition within liberalism that provides a qualified endorsement for social and economic intervention as a means of promoting personal development


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