Liberal Social Reform

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 08-04-13 16:27
What Liberal legislation was there to tackle THE OLD?
Old Age Pensions
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What year was the Old Age Pension introduced?
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What did it achieve?
It was supposed to bring the old out of poverty.
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Were there any limitations?
The amount of money handed out was not enough to get people out of poverty. It started at the age of 70 so did not help many people.
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Was it effective/ successful?
It meant that the old no longer had to rely on the help of their children. It was noncontributory so nobody had to pay in. Some people felt it was degrading and controlling.
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What Liberal legislation was there to tackle THE YOUNG?
The Education Act, the Introduction of School Meals, Medical Inspections for Children and the Children's Act
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What year was the Education Act introduced?
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What did it offer?
It forced any secondary schools receiving state money to take a quarter of pupils from non private schools.
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What did it achieve?
The number of working class children in secondary schools increased.
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Were there any limitations?
The number was limiting so many of the working class still had to work at a young age.
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What year were School Meals introduced?
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What did it offer?
It gave free school meals to children.
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What did it achieve?
It improved national efficiency. (By 1913 310,000 children had free meals)
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Were there any limitations?
It was not compulsory for authorities to take part, though by 1914 it was made compulsory. Councils had to raise money from taxes.
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What year were Medical Inspections introduced?
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What did it offer?
Local councils gave medical inspections to children for free.
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What did it achieve?
It improved national efficiency. By 1913, two thirds provided medical treatment.
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Were there any limitations?
Health problems that were recognised were not necessarily treated- councils not required to treat anything they found.
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What year was the Children's Act introduced?
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What did it offer?
It gave children legal rights and state protection.
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What did it achieve?
It protected children against violence/ neglect by their parents. Children could also be punished for crimes suitable to age.
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Were there any limitations?
No limitations.
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What Liberal legislation was there to tackle THE WORKERS?
The Labour Exchanges Act, the National Insurance Act and the Trades Board Act
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What year was the Labour Exchanges Act introduced?
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What did it offer?
It helped the unemployed find available work.
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What did it achieve?
It helped those in poverty who were struggling to find a job.
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Were there any limitations?
No limitations.
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What year was the National Insurance Act introduced?
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What did it offer?
It supported the unemployed and the sick, to protect the breadwinner. It was a contributory act which was financed by the workers, the employers and taxation.
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What did it achieve?
It acted as a safety net for those who were not working.
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Were there any limitations?
Workers had to pay the most to finance it, they did not like using money that they needed for their family. The insurance only covers the worker, not the family.
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What year was the Trades Board Act introduced?
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What did it offer?
In certain industries the minimum wage was offered.
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What did it achieve?
It gave people better working and pay conditions.
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Were there any limitations?
It only covered those in the sweats industry and miners. The pay that people would receive was not enough to live on.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What year was the Old Age Pension introduced?



Card 3


What did it achieve?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Were there any limitations?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Was it effective/ successful?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Old age pensions Act was passed in 1908, not 1909 but good effort.

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