Other questions in this quiz

2. What year was the Pension Act?

  • 1908
  • 1909
  • 1905
  • 1916
  • 1911

3. Which two politians were the main 'founders' of New Liberalism?

  • Lloyg George and Henry Campbell-Bannerman
  • William and Catherine Booth
  • Lloyd George and Churchill
  • Charles Booth and Rowntree
  • Asquith and Churchill

4. What years were the two National Insurance Acts

  • 1911 and 1912
  • 1908 and 1910
  • 1916 and 1917
  • 1906 and 1907
  • 1910 and 1911

5. Which two countries had overtaken Britain in industry by 1900?

  • Germany and USA
  • Germany and France
  • Russia and France
  • USA and Spain
  • USA and China


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