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6. Which of the following facts about people's reaction to the reforms is not true:

  • Pensioners on low incomes were grateful
  • Many conservatives hated the idea of the
  • All poor people were happy about the reforms
  • Civil servants were pleased as the reforms increased the size of government
  • Most of the rich objected to being taxed to pay for the welfare system

7. The Labour Party was formed in 1900.

  • True
  • False

8. In the Boer War (1899-1902) 80% of the men who signed up to fight were turned away due to bad health.

  • False
  • True

9. Which of the following is not true about Charles Booth's research?

  • He found 85% were poor through their own fault.
  • He did 17 years of research
  • He found 31% of Londoners were below the poverty line/in primary poverty.

10. Rowntree found that 28% of York was in poverty

  • True
  • False