Law Cases- Involuntary manslaughter

  • Created by: BThompson
  • Created on: 07-01-16 20:26
Lamb (1967)
Lamb and friend playing with a revolver containing two bullets, which they weren't aware were facing the barrel. Lamb pointed it at his friend and shot him dead. D had not carried out an unlawful act as his friend wasn't in fear.
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Lowe (1973)
Convicted for neglecting baby and manslaughter. CoA quashed conviction for manslaughter (failure to act, neglecting the baby was not conviction for manslaughter)
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Larkin (1943)
D accidently killed the mistress of the man he was threatening with an open cut throat razor to scare him. -Conviction for manslaughter upheld
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Mitchell (1983)
Pushing to front of queue in post office, D punched 72 year old man who told him off, who fell into an 89 year old women resulting in her death from the injuries. -Convicted for unlawful act manslaughter
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JM and SM (2012)
JM lit Cigarette in nightclub and was asked to leave, both returned later and kicked firedoor. Led to a fight between brothers and doormen. One doorman V, collapsed and died through loss of blood (Weakness in artery wall) -V's would see some harm
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Goodfellow (1986)
Set fire to council house to be re-housed. It got out of hand killng, wife, son and another woman. -Conviction of manslaughter upheld
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Dawson (1985)
Three D's attempted to rob petrol station, wearing masks and armed with axe handles. Attendant sounded alarme but dropped dead from heart attack. -The fear from the act does not make this manslaughter.
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Watson (1989)
Two D's broke in through window to steal property which was in posession of a frail 87 year old man, D's physically abused man, he later died of a heart attack. -Conviction for manslaughter quashed even though condition of old man became clear.
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Cato (1976)
D and V prepared heroin and water, then injected each other. V died, D had commited unlawful act- administering noxious substance- Convicted of unlawful act manslaughter
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Dalby (1982)
The act of supplying the drug was not what caused the death, the administration is. This is a voluntary act by victim which breaks chain in causation
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Kennedy (2007)
D prepared heroin and water, V injected himself and passed back to D. V died -Convicted as preparing and handing was the same as administering it. HoL quashed it as it wasn't the unlawful act causing it.
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Dias (2002)
D heroin addict, both injected them self with syringe D prepared. When D came round V was ill, he asked passer by to call an ambulance and left. -conviction for manslaughter on unlawful act quashed. (Gross negligent manslaughter through duty of care)
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Adomako (1994)
Anaesthetist failed to realise the tube supplying oxygen to patient has disconnected. V suffered heart attack from lack of oxygen, suffered brain damage and died 6 months later- Conviction for Gross negligence was upheld (Should have noticed sooner)
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Singh (1999)
Landlord of property with faulty gas fire causing deaths of tenants. D's duty to manage and maintain property (Duty of care)
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Litchfield (1998)
Owner of sailing ship, he sailed knowing engine may fail due to contamination. Ship blew onto rocks and three crew members died. D owed a duty to the crew (Duty of care)
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Wacker (2002)
Brining 60 illegal immigrants to England in the back of his lorry, he shut the ait vent at certain times to keep them undetected. It took an hour longer than usual, at which 58 had died. -Conviction of manslaughter upheld (Duty of care)
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Bateman (1925)
Doctor who attended a woman giving biorth at home didn't send her to the doctors for 5 days when part of her uterus came away and she later died. -Convictions quashed due to him carrying out normal procedures, he had not been grossly negligent
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Lidar (2000)
Passengers in D's car shouted something at V who was a doorman of a pub, V came over and put arms in window. D drove off with V half in half out of the car. V was dragged under rear wheel, suffered head injuries and died.-Convicted of manslaughter
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Card 2


Convicted for neglecting baby and manslaughter. CoA quashed conviction for manslaughter (failure to act, neglecting the baby was not conviction for manslaughter)


Lowe (1973)

Card 3


D accidently killed the mistress of the man he was threatening with an open cut throat razor to scare him. -Conviction for manslaughter upheld


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Card 4


Pushing to front of queue in post office, D punched 72 year old man who told him off, who fell into an 89 year old women resulting in her death from the injuries. -Convicted for unlawful act manslaughter


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Card 5


JM lit Cigarette in nightclub and was asked to leave, both returned later and kicked firedoor. Led to a fight between brothers and doormen. One doorman V, collapsed and died through loss of blood (Weakness in artery wall) -V's would see some harm


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