Latin Chapter One

nominitive case
used to communicate the subject and of the predicate subject
EG John (n) sneezed (p)
3 kinds of nom nouns: common,abstract, verbal
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genitive case
quantifies or limits another noun
corresponds to the english use of "of" (can be used without)
genitive of possession links it to ownership
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dative case
the person or thing interested in/affected by the action of the verb
corresponds to the english use of "and" or "for"
EG To the sailor (d) the danger of the sea is real- dative of reference
The girl gives a toy to the cat (d) - dative of an indirect objec
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accusative case
used for the direct object of a verb following prepositions
EG the poet writes (a) poems
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ablative case
expresses seperation
corresponding to the english use of "from"
EG He came from italy (a)
also expresses association with the use of "by" or "with"
EG The woman came to the party with the poet (a)

also expresses location with the use of "in "on" "at"
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vocative case
used for addressing someone directly
EG Tell me father (v), why have you come
sometimes preceeded with the interjection "ō"
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1st declension
nom= -a, -ae --> puellae (the girls)
gen= -ae, -arum --> puellarum (of the girls)
dat= -ae, -īs -->puellīs (to/for the girls)
acc= -am, -ās --> puellās (the girls [d.o.])
abl= -a, -īs --> puellīs (from the girls)
voc= -a, -ae --> puellae (o girls)
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second declension
nom= -us, -ī
gen= -ī, -orum
dat= -ō, -īs
acc= -um, -ōs
abl= -ō, -īs
voc= -e, -ī
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second declension
nom= -um, -a
gen= -ī, -orum
dat= -ō, -īs
acc= -um, -a
abl= -ō, -īs
voc= -um, -a
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Card 2


quantifies or limits another noun
corresponds to the english use of "of" (can be used without)
genitive of possession links it to ownership


genitive case

Card 3


the person or thing interested in/affected by the action of the verb
corresponds to the english use of "and" or "for"
EG To the sailor (d) the danger of the sea is real- dative of reference
The girl gives a toy to the cat (d) - dative of an indirect objec


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Card 4


used for the direct object of a verb following prepositions
EG the poet writes (a) poems


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Card 5


expresses seperation
corresponding to the english use of "from"
EG He came from italy (a)
also expresses association with the use of "by" or "with"
EG The woman came to the party with the poet (a)

also expresses location with the use of "in "on" "at"


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