Language and gender theorists quiz

English language A.S

  • Created by: Will Mata
  • Created on: 27-05-10 10:45

1. What is the Sapir Whorf Hypophesis?

  • The idea that we aquire a way of thinkign abouth the world through language
  • Men are agressive women are co-operative
  • Women aspire to greater heights than men
1 of 6

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2. What was MIlls' theory?

  • many female (to male) equivalents are degrogitary in meaning
  • all womens terms are devient and thereofore lower than mens
  • Women are more co-operative in their speach styles
  • speach is more about gender than class

3. What was Mills Cameron and Schultz's theory?

  • all womens terms are devient and thereofore lower than mens
  • men use non standard English for covert prestige

4. Who opposed Lakoffs dominance theory?

  • Coates
  • Dubios and Crouch
  • 1,2+3 are all correct
  • Holmes
  • O'barr and Atkins

5. What was the O'barr and Atkins theory?

  • people from America swear more
  • O'barr and Atkins didn't actually have a theory it was O'shea and Atkinson
  • speach depends on class rather than gender
  • Speach depends on gender rather than class
  • speach and language use is a direct link to qualifications and education


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