Language devices

  • Created by: RegKitty
  • Created on: 26-09-16 13:41
What is the device: repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words
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What is the device: Repetition of vowel sounds in words which start with different consonants
Assonance e.g.LIGht the fIRe hIGHg
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What is the device: repetition of consonant sounds in words which are close together in a sentence
Consonance e.g. I thINk I thaNKed the doctor.
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What is the device: an indirect or mild word/phrase used to replace one which is thought to be too harsh of offensive
Euphemism e.g.I'm going to have to let you god (instead of sack you)
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What is the device:deliberate exaggeration for effect
Hyperbole e.g. "I've told you a million times, no Xbox after 10pm!"
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What is the device:an expression that holds a different meaning to its literal meaning
idiom e.g.grandad kicked the bucket (means died)
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What is the device:describing something by stating that it is something else. The two things must be different, but contain a line of similarity
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What is the device: metaphor used throughout a piece of writing/extract
Extended metaphor
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What is the device:giving human characteristics to something which isn't human
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What is the device: the word imitates the sound of the thing it is naming
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What is the device:placing two words together which are actually opposite to each other
oxymoron e.g.act naturally, pretty ugly, jumbo shrimp
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What is the device:a joke which plays on different meanings of a word, or similar sounding words with different meaning
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What is the device:use a setting to reflect a character's mood
Pathetic fallacy
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What is the device: describing something by stating that it is similar to something else using the word 'as' or 'like'
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What is the device:one thing is meant to represent something else
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Card 2


Assonance e.g.LIGht the fIRe hIGHg


What is the device: Repetition of vowel sounds in words which start with different consonants

Card 3


Consonance e.g. I thINk I thaNKed the doctor.


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Card 4


Euphemism e.g.I'm going to have to let you god (instead of sack you)


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Card 5


Hyperbole e.g. "I've told you a million times, no Xbox after 10pm!"


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