Language and Gender - Robin Lakoff

  • Created by: HJC123
  • Created on: 26-01-17 20:04
What book did Robin Lakoff publish about language and gender, and when?
'Language and Woman's Place' in 1975.
1 of 18
On the next few cards there will be a term that Lakoff claims is specific to female language use. You will need to give the meaning/a definition/an example of that term.
2 of 18
Using phrases like 'sort of', 'kind of', 'it seems like' and so on
3 of 18
Use (super) polite forms
'would you mind...', 'I'd appreciate it if...' and 'if you don't mind...'
4 of 18
Use tag questions
'you're going to dinner, aren't you?'
5 of 18
Speak in italics
intonational emphasis equal to underlining words - 'so', 'very', 'quite', etc.
6 of 18
Use empty adjectives
'divine', 'lovely', 'adorable', and so on
7 of 18
Use hypercorrect grammar/pronunciation
English Prestige grammar and clear enunciation
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Use direct quotation
Men paraphrase more often
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Have a special lexicon
Women use more words for things like colours, men for sports
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Use question intonation in declarative statements
Women can make declarative statements into questions by raising the pitch of their voice at the end of a statement, expressing uncertainty. For example, 'what school do you attend? Eton College?'
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Use 'wh-' imperatives
Such as 'why don't you open the door?'
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Overuse qualifiers
For example, 'I think that...'
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Apologise more
For instance, 'I'm sorry, but I think that...'
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Use modal constructions
Such as 'can', 'would', 'should', 'ought'. E.g. 'should we turn up the heat?'
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Use indirect commands and requests
For example, 'my, isn't it cold in here?' - really a request to turn the heat on or close a window
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Use more intensifiers
Especially 'so' and 'very'. For instance, 'I am so glad you came!'
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Lack a sense of humour
Women don't tell jokes as well and often don't understand the punchline of jokes
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Card 2




On the next few cards there will be a term that Lakoff claims is specific to female language use. You will need to give the meaning/a definition/an example of that term.

Card 3


Using phrases like 'sort of', 'kind of', 'it seems like' and so on


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


'would you mind...', 'I'd appreciate it if...' and 'if you don't mind...'


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


'you're going to dinner, aren't you?'


Preview of the back of card 5
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