Labour in Power: 1921-1931.

Which type of government did Labour form in 1929? How many seats did they win?
Minority. 288.
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After the housing act and coal mines act, why was the government unable to achieve further reform?
They were a minority government, so other parties wouldn't let them. 1929 wall street crash led to a financial crisis.
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How high was unemployment by 1930?
2.5 million.
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How did MacDonald and Snowdon respond to advice from Mosely and Lloyd-George?
They ignored the advice. They cut expenditure as much as possible, hoping that the free market would generate its own recovery.
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What did the May report forecast?
That there would be a budget defecit of £120 million.
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Whose salaries and payments did the May report want to cut?
Public servants (army, civil servants, judges, police). Teachers proposed to have wages cut by 10%.
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How did foreign investors react to the proposed cuts in the May report?
American and French bankers said they could provide further loans if unemployment benefit was cut by 10%.
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What did Snowden and MacDonald agree to implement after the report?
Most of the May report's recommendations. 10% cut in unemployment benefit.
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How did the cabinet react to this?
It caused a lot of arguments, the cut in benefit was only approved by 11 votes to 9.
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Whose resignation did MacDonald hand in in August 1929?
The Labour government's.
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What did MacDonald do next? Who was in the cabinet?
Stayed as Prime minister. He set up a national government with a cabinet consisting of Conservatives, Liberals and 3 Labour MPs (1931).
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Card 2


After the housing act and coal mines act, why was the government unable to achieve further reform?


They were a minority government, so other parties wouldn't let them. 1929 wall street crash led to a financial crisis.

Card 3


How high was unemployment by 1930?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did MacDonald and Snowdon respond to advice from Mosely and Lloyd-George?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the May report forecast?


Preview of the front of card 5
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