keywords 2

Liberation Theology
fusion of christianity and marxism that has been influential in Central and South America
1 of 9
Relative Autonomy
degree of freedom that state institutions have have from the direct control of the R/C
2 of 9
Status quo
current state of affairs
3 of 9
religious ideas that explain fundamental questions about the nature of existence
4 of 9
centralised form of organisation run by official representatives
5 of 9
'grand' explanations provided by religion, politics and science
6 of 9
Holistic Milieu
range of activities involving the mind, body and spirits
7 of 9
Grand Narrative
belief system, such as religion and science, that claims to explain the world
8 of 9
Theodicy of disprivileged
religious explanations for dis-privilege and a promise things will be better in the afterlife
9 of 9

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Card 2


degree of freedom that state institutions have have from the direct control of the R/C


Relative Autonomy

Card 3


current state of affairs


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Card 4


religious ideas that explain fundamental questions about the nature of existence


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Card 5


centralised form of organisation run by official representatives


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