key words

  • Created by: Charlie
  • Created on: 02-04-13 16:21
Acceptable use policy
Document making it clear to all employess/users what is acceptable use of ICT systems & what isn't
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Access Rights
Restrictions to a user's access to only those files they need in order to perform their job
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American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
A code representing characters in binary
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A person who will only view the content. They will not alter input or change content.
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Keeping copies of software and data so that the data can be recovered should there be a total loss of the ICT system
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Backup File
A copy of a file which is used in the event of the original file being corrupted
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A measure of the amount of data that can be tranferred using a data transfer medium
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Batch Processing
Type of processing where all the inputs needed are collected, batched together, inputted and processed in one go
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Bespoke Software
Software espically written for a particular user
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A mistake/error in a program
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Computer Aided Design - A method of using the computer to produce technical drawings
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The International Committee for Data Communication - Popular standard used for electric communication
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The person who needs the solution to an ICT problem that they have identified
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A network where serveral computers are connected to one or more servers
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Producing a shorter version of the data to aid typing in and to aid validation of the data
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Computer Misuse Act 1990
An act which makes illegal a number of activities such as delibrately planting viruses, hacking, using ICT equipment for fraud etc.
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Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
An act, which amongst other things, makes it an offence to be caught copying/stealing software
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Central Processing Unit - The computers brain. It stores and processes data
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Raw facts and figures that have no meaning
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Data Protection Act 1998
Law to protect the individual against the misuse of data
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Data Subject
The living individual whom the personal information is about
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Data type check
check to ensure the data being entered is the same type as the data type specified for the field
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Double entry of data
Two people use the same data source to enter the details into the ICT system and only if the two sets of data are identical, will they be accepted for processing
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Dots per inch - A measure of resolution of images. The more dots per inch in an image, the higher the resolution
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Erroneous data
Data that is ridiculous or totally unsuitable
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The act of reviewing what has been achieved, how it was achieved and how well the solution works
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An external network that can be used by the customers, suppliers and partners of an organisation as well as the organisation itself
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Federation Against Software Theft
An anti-piracy organisation who work to protect the work of software publishers
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Either hardware and/or software that work in a network to prevent communication that is not allowed from one network to another
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Flash/pen drives
Popular storage media which offer cheap and large storage capacities and are ideal media for photographs, music and other data files. They consist of printed circuit boards enclosed in a plastic case
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Format Checks
Checks performed on codes to make sure that they conform to the correct combinations of characters
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Freedom of Information Act 2000
Act giving the right access to information held by public authorities
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Generic software
Applications package that is appropriate for a wide range of tasks and can be used in lots of areas of work
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Garbage In, Garbage Out - If you put rubbish into the computer, then you get rubbish out
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Graph Plotter
A device which draws by moving a pen. Useful for scale drawings and is used mainly with CAD packages
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Graphical User Interface - An interface that allows users to communicate with ICT equipment by making use of icons and pull-down menus
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The process of trying to break into a secure computer system
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The physical componentts of a computer system
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Health and Safety (Displaying Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
Regulations making it law for employers to take certain measures to protect the health and safety of their employees who use ICT equipment
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Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Law making sure that employees have safe working conditions and methods
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ICT systems
Hardware and software working together with people and procedures to do a job
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The process of producing the working version of the solution to the problem as identified by the client
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Facts and figures that have been processed into something meaningful
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Ink-jet printer
A printer that works by spraying ink through nozzles onto the paper
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Act of entering data into an ICT system
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Intergrated Software
An application package consiting of software for seveeral distinct applications. There will always be two or more applications packages in integrated software
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The point where two objects meet. In ICT this is usually between a device such as a computer, printer, scanner, etc ..... and a human
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Internal Threat
A threat to an ICT that comes from inside an organisation
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A huge group of networks joined together
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Internet Service Provider - The organisation that provides your Internet connection
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A private network used within an organisation that makes uses of Internet technology
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Laser Printer
A printer which uses a laser beam to form characters on the paper
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Length Check
Checks to make sure that the data being entered has the correct number of characters in it
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Used to record a series of keystrokes so that, for example, your name and address can be added to the top of the page, simply by pressing a single key or clicking on the mouse
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Magnetic Ink Character Reader - Input method making use of numbers printed into a document such as a cheque in a special magnetic ink which can be read by the magnetic ink character reader at a very high speed
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Mail Merge
Combining a list of names and addresses with a standard letter so that a series of letters is produced with each letter being addressed to a different person
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Improper or careless use or misconduct
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A group of computers which are able to communicate with each other
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Non-volatile Memory
Memory stored on a chip which does not lose data when the power is turned off
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Normal Data
Entering data that should be acceptable to the solution
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Opitcal Character Recognition - This is a combination of software and a scanner which is able to read characters into the computer
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Optical Mark Reader/Recognition - Reader that detects marks on a piece of paper. Shaded areas are detected and the computer can understand the information contained in them
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Operating System
Software that controls the hardware of a computer ad is used to run the applications software. Operating systems control the handling of input, output, interrupts, etc
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The results from processing data
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Package Software
A bundle of files necessary for a particular program to run along with some form of documentation to help a user get the program started
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Peer to Peer
Network arrangement where each computer is of equal status
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A device connected to & under the control of the central processing unit (CPU)
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Presence check
Check to make sure that data had been entered into a field
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Performing calculations or arranging the data into a meaningful order
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A set of standards that allows the transfer of data between computers on a network
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Redundant array of inexpensive disks - A system used by networks to keep backups
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Random Access Memory - Used to hold the data temporarily whilst the computer is working on it. Contents are lost when the computer is switched off
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Range Check
Data validation technique which checks that the data input into a computer is within a certain range
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Real-time Processing
The input data is processed immediately as it arrives. The results have direct effect on the next set of available data.
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Relational database Managemnet System - Database system where the data is held in table with relationships established between them. The software is used to set up and hold the data as well as to extract and manipulate the stored data
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Read Only Memory - Memory stored on a chip which does not lose data when the power is turned off
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Hardware device which is able to make the decision about the path that an individual packet of data should take so that it arrives in the swhortest possible time
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Repetitive Strain Injury - A painful muscular condition caused by repeatedly using certain muscles in the same way
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Making sure that the hardware, software and data of an ICT system does not come to any harm
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Programs which supply the instructions to the hardware
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Software Licence
Document which sets out the terms by which the software can be used. It will refer to the number of computers on which it can be run simultaneously
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Unsolicited bulk email
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Specific Software
Software that only performs one task
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Software which collects information about the user of a computer connected to the internet without their consent
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Systems Software
Any computer software that manages and controls the hardware thus allowing the applications software to do a useful job. Systems software consists
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Test Plan
The approach that will be used to test the whole solution and consists of a suite of tests
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The way a particular network is arranged
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Transaction Processing
Processing as each transaction arises
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Trancription error
Error made when typing data in using a document as the source of data
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Transmission Medium
The material in whih forms the connection between the computers in a network
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Transmission Rate
The speed of data flow in bits per second
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Transposition Error
Error made when characters are swapped around so they are in the wrong order
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Lines of a computer codes stored in your PC without you knowing
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Uninterruptible Power Supply - A backup power supply which will keep the computer running should the mains power supply fail
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Uniform Resource Locator - The web address used to locate a webpage
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A person who makes active use of an ICT solution to solve an ICT problem
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Utility Programs
Software which helps the user perform tasks such as virsus checking, file compression, etc
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Validation Checks
Checks as a devloper of a solution creates, using the software, in order to restrict the data that a user can enter so as to reduce errors
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Checking that the data being enetered into the ICT system perfectly matches the source of the data
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A program that replicates itself automatically and ususlly carries with it some payload which causes damage
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Volatile Memory
Memory which loses data when the power is turned off
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Web Browser
The software program you use to access the internet. (e.g. Mircrosoft Internet Explorer)
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Single document on the WWW
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A trademark for the certification of products that meet certain standards for transmitting data over wireless networks
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Windows Icon Menus Pointing Device - The GUI way of using a computer rather than typing in commands at the command line
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World Wide Web - A means of accessing information contained on the Internet. It is an information sharing model that is built on top of the Internet
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Aprogram that keeps replicating itself automatically, and as it does so it takes more and more disk space and also uses a greater proportion of the system's resources for each copy
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Access Rights


Restrictions to a user's access to only those files they need in order to perform their job

Card 3


American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4




Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the front of card 5
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Very useful for those doing AQA AS ICT :) Thanks a lot! ;) **

Johnny B


Really good, thanks !!

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