Key Study - Policing the Crisis by Hall et al


1. What two ways did the moral panic help capitalism?

  • Convinced the public that society's problems caused by immigrants and not capitalst system faults, Gov could justice use of force to surpress the groups that challenged them
  • Way 1 and way 2
  • By the context of the problem, that the 1970's had fiancial troubles, lead to hegemony being threated, threated ruling class, needed force to control crisis
  • Moral panic over muggins commited by black youth, no real evidence
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Other questions in this quiz

2. How did Hall explain this moral panic?

  • By screaming like a headless Torchic!
  • By the context of the problem, that the 1970's had fiancial troubles, lead to hegemony being threated, threated ruling class, needed force to control crisis
  • Moral panic over muggins commited by black youth, no real evidence
  • Convinced the public that society's problems caused by immigrants and not capitalst system faults, Gov could justice use of force to surpress the groups that challenged them

3. A defense point of Hall?

  • There are plenty of modern examples with evidence from official data to suggest that minority groups do face disproportionate attention from the state and it's agents
  • Shieldon
  • Doesn't fail to explain how panic was created
  • Got both side convered - Says mugging was bound to rise as result of unemployement and was also not rising quickly

4. What effect did the moral panic have on the group being targeted?

  • Convinced the public that society's problems caused by immigrants and not capitalst system faults, Gov could justice use of force to surpress the groups that challenged them
  • Labelling of large numbers of young blacks as deviants, made figures appear to show rising levels of black crime, lead to justified stronger police measures
  • Unlabelling of small numbers of young blacks as deviants, made figures appear to show falling levels of black crime, lead to unjustified weaker police measures
  • They got stampeded in all the chaos!

5. What part did the Media play?

  • Leading male
  • By the context of the problem, that the 1970's had fiancial troubles, lead to hegemony being threated, threated ruling class, needed force to control crisis
  • Moral panic over muggins commited by black youth, no real evidence
  • Convinced the public that society's problems caused by immigrants and not capitalst system faults, Gov could justice use of force to surpress the groups that challenged them


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