Key dates and acts in Britain 1783 - 1832

  • Created by: samwood11
  • Created on: 11-11-21 21:49
In which year was the Sinking Fund introduced?
What did it do?
The sinking fund was introduced by William Pitt as a way of reducing the national debt gradually.
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When was the Consolidation act passed?
What was it?
It was passed in 1787
The consolidation act was the act which put one singular tax on all foreign imports
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When was the free trade treaty created?
3 of 18
When did the Friendly Societies act get passed?
What did they do?
They were made up of workmen who provided insurance to each other.
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When did the combinations act get passed?
What did they do?
Passed in order to stop trade unions ot friendly societies from forming.
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When was the first suspension of Habeas Corpus?
What is a 'Habeas Corpus?'
A Habeas Corpus is the right to arrest and detain people without trial.
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Which two acts were passed in 1795?
The Treasonable Practices Act
Seditious Meeting Act
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In which year was the Catholic Relief Act passed?
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In which year was the Act of Union requested by Pitt to come into action?
What did it allow and what happened after it failed?
It was to allow Irish people to become members of parliament.
Pitt resigned due to the failure.
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When did Napoleon establish his Continental System?
What did it do?
It stopped potential imports from foreign countries from getting to Britain and it was Napoleons idea of weakening Britain.
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When was Income Tax introduced?
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In what year were the Corn Laws introduced?
What did they do?
They stopped foreign corn from being imported into the country and therefore led to a stronger agricultural industry.
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When was the Second suspension of the Habeas Corpus?
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When was the Combination Act repealed?
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When was the Penal Code reformed?
Who reformed it?
Sir Robert Peel
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When was Lord Liverpool's large cabinet reshuffle?
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What year was the Catholic Emancipation Act passed?
What did it do and who was the PM at the time?
The Catholic Emancipation act allowed Irish men to serve in parliament.
It was passed by The Duke of Wellington.
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When did the Luddite Movement first started and what were their main aims?
The first Luddite attacks were in 1811. They consisted of working class men destroying machines that had taken their jobs away from them.
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Card 2


When was the Consolidation act passed?
What was it?


It was passed in 1787
The consolidation act was the act which put one singular tax on all foreign imports

Card 3


When was the free trade treaty created?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did the Friendly Societies act get passed?
What did they do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When did the combinations act get passed?
What did they do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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