Key concepts in biology

The number of times larger an image is than the initial object that produced it.
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Objective lens
The part of the microscope that is closest to the specimen
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The smallest change that can be measured by an instrument.
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A dye used to colour parts of a cell to make them easier to see.
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Active transport
The pumping of particles across a cell membrane (usually from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration against the concentration gradient). This process requires energy.
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Eyepiece lens
The part of the microscope you look down
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A cell with a nucleus is a eukaryotic. Organisms that have cells like this are also said to be eukaryotic organisms
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Cell membrane
The membrane that controls what goes into and out of a cell
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A thread like structure found in the nuclei of cells. Each chromosome contains one enormously long DNA found in bacteria
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The watery jelly inside a cell where the cell's activities take place.
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The "control centre" of a eukaryotic cell.
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A sub-cellular structure (organelle) in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells where aerobic respiration occurs.
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Aerobic respiration
A type of respiration in which oxygen is used to release oxygen from substances such as glucose.
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The green substance found inside chloroplasts that traps energy transferred by light.
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Cell wall
A tough layer of material around some cells that is used for protection and support. It is stiff and made of cellulose in plant cells. Bacteria have a flexible cell wall.
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A green disc containing chlorophyll found in plant cells.This is where the plant makes glucose through photosynthesis.
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Cell sap
The liquid found in the permanent vacuole in a plant cell.
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The membrane bound space in the cytoplasm of cells. Plant cells have a large permanent vacuole, which stores water and nutrients and helps to support the plant by keeping the cells rigid.
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Specialised cells
A cell that is adapted for a specific function (job).
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A tiny fold in the cell surface membrane of a cell.
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A haploid cell produced by meiosis used for sexual reproduction.
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The ball of cells produced by cell division of the zygote. A very early stage of the development of an individual.
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A protein produced by living organisms that act as a catalyst to speed up the rate of reaction.
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A cell or nucleus that has two sets of chromosomes. In humans, almost all cells except the the sperm and egg cells are diploid.
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A cell or nucleus that has one set of chromosomes. Gametes are haploid.
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A cap like structure on the head of a sperm cell that contains enzymes to penetrate an egg cell.
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A small hair like structure on the surface of some cells.
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Epithelial cells
A cell found on the surface of internal organs.
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Ciliated epithelial cells
A cell that lines certain tubes in the body and has cilia on its surface.
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A small loop of DNA found in the cytoplasm of bacteria.
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A substance that speeds up the rate of reaction without itself being used up.
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Iodine solution
Solution used to test the presence of starch.
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Benedict's solution
A solution used to detect the presence of reducing sugar (such as glucose) in foods.
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Biuret test
A test that uses copper sulfate solution and potassium hydroxide solution to test for proteins.The blue of the copper sulfate solution turns purple in the presence of proteins.
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Ethanol emulsion test
A test using ethanol to detect lipids in food.
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Apparatus used to measure the energy content of substances by burning them and measuring temperature increase.
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Active site
The space in an enzyme where the substrate fits during an enzyme catalysed reaction.
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A particular requirement.
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Lock and key model
A model that describes the way an enzyme catalyses a reaction when the substrate fits within the active sit of an enzyme.
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Optimum temperature
The temperature at which an enzyme's rate of reaction is greatest, or at which a population of microorganisms grow more rapidly.
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The random movement and spreading of particles. There is an overall diffusion of particles from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration.
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The amount of solute dissolved in a certain volume of solvent.
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Concentration gradient
The difference between two concentrations. There will be an overall movement of particles down a concentration gradient from higher to lower.
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Partially permeable
Describes a membrane that will allow certain particles to pass through it but not others.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The part of the microscope that is closest to the specimen


Objective lens

Card 3


The smallest change that can be measured by an instrument.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A dye used to colour parts of a cell to make them easier to see.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The pumping of particles across a cell membrane (usually from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration against the concentration gradient). This process requires energy.


Preview of the back of card 5
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