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  • Enzymes
    • what is a enzyme?
      • A Biological Catalyst.
        • Speeds up chemical Reactions in living organisms.
          • some work inside cell, others outside cell.
          • pH and Temperature effect how well these enzymes work.
    • Different Functions
      • Respiration
      • Digestion
      • Photosynthesis
      • Building Large Molecules e,g protein synthesis
    • Has it own shape.
      • Because, Unique sequence of amino acids.
      • Shape is vital to its function.
      • within the shape a little area is formed call ed theactive site.
        • this is where another molecule can fit during a reaction (substrate)
          • shape pf active site has to be complementary to the shape of substrate i.e lock and key.
            • if shape is changed it will not work.
              • denatured - when active site is damaged.
    • pH and Temperature effect how well these enzymes work.


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