Key concept of Biology

  • Created by: sharonn.0
  • Created on: 18-04-22 13:37
what is the function of the nucleus?
- controls the activities of the cell
- contains genetic material (DNA)
1 of 13
what is the function of the cytoplasm?
- site of many chemical reaction
2 of 13
what is the function of cell membrane?
controls what substances enters and leaves the cell
3 of 13
what is the function of ribosomes?
site of protein synthesis
4 of 13
what is the function of mitochondria?
site of aerobic respiration
5 of 13
what is the function of cell wall?
- made of cellulose
- give the cell extra support
6 of 13
what is the function of chloroplast?
- contains green chlorophyll pigment
7 of 13
what is the function of vacuole?
- used for storage of certain material
-contains a cell sap
8 of 13
what sub-cellular structures do bacteria have?
- circular loop of DNA
- plasmid
- ribosomes
- cell wall
-cell membrane
9 of 13
what are the five kingdoms?
- animals
- plants
10 of 13
what are sperm cells adaptations?
- acrosome in head contains digestive enzymes to penetrate egg
- middle piece is packed with mitochondria to release energy
- tail which enable it to swim
11 of 13
what are egg cells adaptations?
- cell membrane changes shape after fertlisation so no more sperm can enter
-contains a lot of cytoplasm which has nutrients for embryo
12 of 13
what are adaptation of ciliated cell?
- hair like structure called cilia which move mucus and trapped particle to throat
13 of 13

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Card 2


what is the function of the cytoplasm?


- site of many chemical reaction

Card 3


what is the function of cell membrane?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the function of ribosomes?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the function of mitochondria?


Preview of the front of card 5
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