Other questions in this quiz

2. Where can Carbohydrates be found?

  • Foods such as meats, fish, eggs and cheese
  • Starchy foods such as potatoes, bananas, rice, pasta and bread
  • Dairy products such as milk, cheese and margarine as well as oil
  • Sugary foods such as ice cream, chocolate and sweets

3. What is a healthy diet?

  • A diet that requires certain proportions of calories per day
  • A diet that is healthy
  • One where the correct balance of nutrients needed is consumed
  • One where less Carbohydrates and Fats are consumed

4. What is Cholesterol?

  • An enzyme
  • a substance
  • A substance produced in the liver that makes cell membranes, sex hormones and stress-dealing hormones
  • LDLs and HDLs

5. Polyunsaturated fats...

  • are even better at reducing BCLs and balancing HDLs and LDLs. Found in corn and sunflower oils, many margerines and oily fish
  • Increase blood pressure
  • Cause strokes and heart attacks


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