Keats Poetry

  • Created by: nelliott
  • Created on: 10-11-20 17:41
What type of poet is Keats?
Romantic poet
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What did romantic poets tend to oppose?
Industrialisation and establishment
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What is Keats' political stance?
He was a liberal, strongly against capitalism
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What did Keats' brother die from?
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Who is Fanny Brawne?
Keats' love interest, which took an emotional turmoil on him, as he was consumed by passion for her
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How did Keats die?
At twenty five, from tuberculosis, in Rome
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What does 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' mean and why is it in French?
It means 'the beautiful lady without mercy', and is in French as it is known as the language of love, conveying a sense of irony
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What form is LBDSM written in?
It is a ballad, so when orally read it sounds song-like
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What are the key themes in LBDSM?
Seduction, ambiguity, longing, deception, supernatural
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What is a femme fatale?
A beautiful woman who uses her looks and seduction to get what she wants from a man
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Which quotations in LBDSM show disillusionment with love?
1. 'Saw nothing else all day long'
2. 'In language strange she said "I love thee true"'
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Which quotations in LBDSM show inevitability and suffering?
1. 'Death pale were they all'
2. 'Thee hath in thrall'
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How many voices are in LBDSM?
Two voices: unknown narrator and the knight
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What is the structure of LBDSM?
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What form is LBDSM written in?
Iambic tetrameter, traditional ballad form
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How can Isabella be summed up in five points?
1. Isabella and Lorenzo fall in love
2. The brothers find out and kill Lorenzo
3. Lorenzo appears to Isabella
4. Isabella finds his body and put his head in a pot of basil
5. The brothers steal the pot, fleeing and Isabella dies from heartbreak
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How does the first line in Isabella establish her vulnerability?
The juxtaposing epithets: 'poor simple Isabella'
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What evidence of foreshadowing is in Isabella?
In stanza five, Lorenzo states he will 'drink her tears', foreshadowing the basil pot his head is later put in
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How is animal imagery used in Isabella to suggest the brothers greed?
Predator vs prey imagery: 'went all naked to the hungry shark'
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Why is stanza sixteen in Isabella so important?
It gives readers insight into Keats' own opinion of capitalism
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Did Lorenzo's ghost really visit Isabella?
Although it is ambiguous, it could be inferred that Isabella imagined the encounter entirely, due to the downfall of her mental stability
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How is Isabella's progression to insanity presented?
Her obsession with the pot of basil containing Lorenzo's head creates a sense of discomfort for the reader
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What quotes present Isabella's loss of femininity?
Stanza 47 is full of feminine imagery:
1. 'to still an infants cries'-connotations of a mother
2. 'her veiling hair'-connotations of a bride
It is ironic and creates a sense of tragedy as Isabella will now never experience these
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When was EOSA written and published
It was written in 1819 and published in 1820, not long after Keats' brother had died and he had fallen for Fanny Brawne
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What did the ritual in EOSA consist of?
Eating no dinner, wearing no clothes in bed, looking towards heaven, lying on your back
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Who is St Agnes?
The patron saint of virgins-ironic considering what happens in the poem
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What form does EOSA take?
Spenserian stanza as Keats wanted to recreate medieval romance
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did romantic poets tend to oppose?


Industrialisation and establishment

Card 3


What is Keats' political stance?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Keats' brother die from?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who is Fanny Brawne?


Preview of the front of card 5
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