Jean Piaget

who was Jean Piaget?
a swiss psychologist know for his work in child development. Piaget placed great importance on the education of children.
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What was Jeans theory?
His theory of cognitive development explains how a child constructs a metal model of the world. And a theory that described a stages that children passed through in the development of intelligence and formal thought process.
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What is an example of his theory?
A child may use a banana as a phone, demonstrating an awareness that the banana is both a banana and a phone.
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what does cognitive mean?
it refers to the thinking and memory process.
Cognitive development refers to long term changes in these processes.
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what did Piaget study?
an account of how children and youth gradually become able to think logically and scientifically.
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what were the 4 stages of cognitive devlopment
Sensorimotor stage, Preoperational stage, Concrete operational stage, Formal operational stage.
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what was the sensorimotor stage
This first stay approx lasts from birth to 2 years.
At this point in development ,children know the world primarily through their senses and movements.
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what was the preoperational stage?
This stage of development lasts from 2-7yrs and is characterized by the development of language and the emergence of symbolic play
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what is the Concrete operational stage
The third stage of cognitive development lasts from the age of 7 to approximately age 11.At this point, logical thought emerges, but children still struggle with abstract and theoretical thinking.
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what is the Formal operational stage.
In the fourth and final stage of cognitive development, lasting from age 12 and into adulthood, children become much more adept at abstract thought and deductive reasoning.
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Card 2


What was Jeans theory?


His theory of cognitive development explains how a child constructs a metal model of the world. And a theory that described a stages that children passed through in the development of intelligence and formal thought process.

Card 3


What is an example of his theory?


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Card 4


what does cognitive mean?


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Card 5


what did Piaget study?


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