Key thinkers (Nationalism)

  • Created by: dbrennan
  • Created on: 05-06-19 13:48
What does Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe about human nature?
People are rational beings who desire their own freedom.
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What does Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe about the state?
the basis of any legitimate state has to be the nation. The nation is the vehicle for self-determination.
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What does Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe about society?
Political society must be based on national self-determination.
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What does Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe about the economy?
He saw no particular relationship between nationalism and economic structures.
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What does Mazzini believe about human nature?
People have a romantic vision of their origins, they seek liberty but it is contained in the liberty of the people to which they belong.
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What does Mazzini believe about the state?
A romantic ideal, the ultimate expression of the unity of people.
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What does Mazzini believe about society?
Must allow personal freedom to flourish. Individuals can be free only if a whole society is free.
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What does Mazzini believe about the economy?
Believes in economic freedom which is natural result of general freedom enjoyed by nations and their people.
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What does Marcus Garvey believe about human nature?
All people are part of either the white race or the black race, the white has dominated the black race, the black race, the black should now claim a superior history and culture.
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What does Marcus Garvey believe about the state?
Artificial constructs, these are the products of white supremacy, only meaningful state is the united black peoples of the world.
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What does Marcus Garvey believe about society?
Black society will be superior to white society once the colonial oppression of black people is defeated.
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What does Marcus Garvey believe about the economy?
Opposed international capitalism because it leads to imperialism & communism which leads to dictatorship. Black people should set up their own form of capitalism for their own benefit.
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The over-throwing of oppressive colonial rule in order to free the black peoples and created a re-united Africa.
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Background info on Garvey
Pan-Africanist (one of the first people to propose unification to the continent) and Black nationalist (black supremacy as right after white supremacy), focus upon black education, focused on Africans and African Americans.
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Background info on Mazzini
Combined heroic political philosophy with military action, created the idea of republicanism in Italy, 'Young Italy' (overthrowing of the hereditary monarchies in order to place Italy under democracy),
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What is republicanism (Mazzini)?
A term to describe the balance between nationalism and popular democracy, romantic nationalist.
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How is Mazzini a romantic nationalist?
He saw the forces that bound people together as being spiritual within nature (saw nationalism in terms of territory and nationalist spirit). Derived from his faith.
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How is Mazzini not a liberal nationalist?
He did not agree that individual liberty should be allowed to interfere with the aims of nationalism,collective enterprise ordained by God, interests of the nation come above those of its individuals.
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How is Mazzini a liberal nationalist?
Believes in representative democracy.
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Background on Rousseau
Creator of the Social Contract, major influence on the French Revolution, played a part in the Enlightenment, patriotism and civic pride as a creation of the nation-state, people would form political communities into units that could self-govern
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Rousseau as a romantic nationalist
Nation was where people could owe each other allegiance which would hold/bind them together, concerned about collective freedom of the nation as well as individual freedom, nationalism, freedom and good government complimentary, nation is sovereign.
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Human nature
People feel a strong sense of national identity through what makes them the same: language, religion, culture, ethnicity and geography.
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Indicates a long common history.
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Jews are defined by their nationality through their religion.
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Shared history. Britain is multinational, various ethnic groups, cultural customs such as arts, history binds people together.
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Biological divisions of the world when translated into national differences are powerful: Chinese, Japanese.
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Occupation of a specific territory, long spiritual attachment to the territory: Jews see their nation through Zionism and Russians see their nation as the 'motherland'.
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What is cultural nationalism?
Collective identity that makes the nation an organic unit based on culture.
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What is liberal cultural nationalism?
People who feel that their distinctive culture is threatened by a more dominant one, they do not seek indepedance or supremacy over the more dominant culture but do seek respect from the other culture: Welsh maintain their language in UK.
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What is ultra-conservative nationalism?
People who feel that their distinctive culture should be strengthened, they are superior to other cultures which may cause militarism or expansionism: German fascism under Hitler.
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What is racialism?
When a racial group feel superior to another racial group.
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Self-determination (the state)
Triggered during the Enlightenment period, especially by Rousseau, people wanted to be liberated from imperial rule and absolute monarchies, people wanted democracy, Wilson's speech in WW2 that triggered self-determination.
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What are the principles of self-determination?
Any nation that wants self-government should be granted sovereignty, all states should respect the sovereignty of such nations, threats to sovereignty and independence are threat to international community.
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What is civic nationalism?
National identity is less important than the peoples' pride in political institutions, liberal ideal, respect of individual rights and liberties, a love of the democratic spirit and importance of equal rights,patriotism, test of citizenship.
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What is socialist internationalism?
Importance of class consciousness taking over nationalism: through fundamentalist socialist like Marx and Engels, socialists will tolerate nationalism if nationalist work to defeat capitalism and produce dictatorship of proletariat.
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What is nativism and protectionism?
Original populations of the country has a superior claim to nationality than groups who have arrived more recently.
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What is liberal nationalism?
Social progress, opposition to imperialism, natural rights, right of self-determination.
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What is liberal internationalism?
Each nation should respect the values and sovereignty of other nations provided they do not pose a direct threat to other nations.
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What is radical nationalism?
Combination of national sentiment and radical politics. (Hitler and Nazi party, his belief in the Volksgeist to allow this).
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What is Anti-colonial nationalism?
People who live within a colony come together to form self-government because they think they can govern better than their colonial masters: Ghandi who was from India had colonial power in Britain for liberal/social democracy.
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What is post-colonial nationalism?
Nationalist movement that dominated the political agenda of countries having achieved full independence already.
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What is expansionist nationalism?
Supports chauvisnism, the right of more supreme nations to seek self-determination and open their borders or push their borders through expansion.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe about the state?


the basis of any legitimate state has to be the nation. The nation is the vehicle for self-determination.

Card 3


What does Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe about society?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe about the economy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does Mazzini believe about human nature?


Preview of the front of card 5
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