IT Revision Cards

Normal Data
Normal, valid data that the system should be working with that you’d expect it to accept.
1 of 7
Erroneous Data
This is data that should cause the system to tell the user that there is a problem with the data they entered, causing an error. For example not adding an “@” symbol to the email address on a signup form.
2 of 7
Extreme Data
Data at the boundary between normal data and invalid data, very close to being invalid. The system should accept the extreme data, at the limit of what should be accepted. E.g maximum character limit, lowest or highest in a range.
3 of 7
One-to-One Relationships.
Time scales are important – e.g a school can only have one headteacher at a time but may have had many in the past. Head teacher -> School
4 of 7
One-to-Many Relationships
A single entity may be associated with many instances of another entity E.g Library member -> Many fines
5 of 7
Many-to-Many relationships
Many instances of one entity can be associated with many instances of another. E.g Many Customers Many Products
6 of 7
Junction tables - Many-to-Many Relationships
Many Customers < --- Orders Table --- > Many Products ((Many-to-Many must have a junction table between them.))
7 of 7

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Card 2


This is data that should cause the system to tell the user that there is a problem with the data they entered, causing an error. For example not adding an “@” symbol to the email address on a signup form.


Erroneous Data

Card 3


Data at the boundary between normal data and invalid data, very close to being invalid. The system should accept the extreme data, at the limit of what should be accepted. E.g maximum character limit, lowest or highest in a range.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Time scales are important – e.g a school can only have one headteacher at a time but may have had many in the past. Head teacher -> School


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A single entity may be associated with many instances of another entity E.g Library member -> Many fines


Preview of the back of card 5
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