COMMUNITY COHESION multi-faith society

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  • religion and life COMMUNITY COHESION multi-faith society
    • benefits of living in a multi-faith society
      • better understanding into religion helps people respect one another and their choices
      • encourages people to take up a faith
      • causes more tolerance towards other religions and lessens conflict
    • issues religions who live in a multi-faith society
      • conversion, people trying to convert people can be seen as prejudice and causes arguments
      • bringing up children is hard because they might go against what religion if any, their parents want them to follow
      • if  a couple are inter faith then where do they marry? what religion does the child take? this can ruin a relationship
    • how do religions premote community cohesion in the UK?
      • religions have developed inter faith marriage ceremonies
      • muslim council of great britian encourages muslims to get involved
      • interfaith network encourages good relationships between religions
      • festivals bring people together


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