topic 1.1 BM

what is a covalent bond?
a type of bond formed when two atoms share a pair of electrons. it's very strong
1 of 9
what is an ionic bond
when two ions of opposite charges attract to one another
2 of 9
what is a hydrogen bond
when the polarised area of one ion is attracted to the non polarised area of another ion
3 of 9
what is polymerisation
the process of joining two monomers together through a condensation reaction
4 of 9
what bond is formed between two monomers
a covalent bond
5 of 9
what is a condensation reaction
the joining of two molecules that releases a water molecule
6 of 9
what is a hydrolysis reaction
a reaction that breaks the bond between two molecules trhough the addition of water
7 of 9
what is a mole
a unit to measure the amount of a substance. represented in grams
8 of 9
what is a molar solution
a solution with one mole of substance per litre
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is an ionic bond


when two ions of opposite charges attract to one another

Card 3


what is a hydrogen bond


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is polymerisation


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what bond is formed between two monomers


Preview of the front of card 5
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