Introduction and Behavioural Analysis

  • Created by: Kate Fish
  • Created on: 17-05-17 14:44
What is Ethology?
Biological study of animal behaviour
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What is Behaviour?
Observable processes by which an animal responds to percieved changes in the internal state of its body or in the external world.
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State some of historical behavioural studies
- Egyptians & antient Chinese - 300BC Aristotle - Pliney the Edler (AD23-AD79) - 17th Centuary: Rene Descartes - 19th Centuary: Charles Darwin - Lloyd Morgan: improved experimental design and avoids anthropromorphism
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Comparative Pyscology vs Behavioural Ecology
- Developed in the 20th Centuary - Well known scientists such as Thorndike, Skinner. All behaviours are aquired via conditioning. Tinbergen (1907-1988) Lorenz (1903-1989)
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What are Tinbergen's 4 Whys?
Causation, Develoment, Evolution, Function
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What is Causation?
What does the animal experience which makes its behaviour this way? E.g, dogs loose heat through panting, resulting in a loss of water through urine/faeces, water levels fall, salt concentration rises leaded to hormonal cascade, signalling thirst
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What is Development?
How does the behaviour change with age? Behaviours change with age some behaviours disappears as an animal ages or needs greater stimuli to provoke a response whilst others enhance.
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What is Evolution?
How did the behaviour evolve? Where did the behaviour come from? Whales live in pod, their social behaviours keep the pod stable and allow them to hunt together. Their anscestors that grouped together were more likely to survive (ate better).
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What is Function?
How will the behaviour help the animal to survive? What is the behaviour
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Manning & Dawking, 2012; Alcock, 2009
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Card 2


What is Behaviour?


Observable processes by which an animal responds to percieved changes in the internal state of its body or in the external world.

Card 3


State some of historical behavioural studies


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Card 4


Comparative Pyscology vs Behavioural Ecology


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Card 5


What are Tinbergen's 4 Whys?


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