intellectual development

  • Created by: mcnelis
  • Created on: 26-01-18 09:50
intellectual development
intellectual development is about us learning by oragnising their mind, thinking and ideas and also thoughts to make sense of the world
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jean piaget
cognitive development is a childs ability to solve problems and learn for example at 2 months babies learn to explore the environment with their hands or eye and at 5 years a child is able to learn mathematical problems
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what are the four stages of jean piagets intellectual development?
1-sensorimotor, 2-preoperational, 3-concrete operational, 4-formal operational
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what is sensorimotor?
the infants explore the world thorough their eyes, ears, hands, mouth and an infant will invent ways of solving problems . piaget believed that a child would not have a way of remebering and thinking about the world until they were older.
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what is preoperational?
children use symbols to represent objects but doesnt reason logically. a child has the ability to pretend
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what is concrete operational?
the child can think logically about concrete objects and can add and substract
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what is formal operational ?
the adolesecent can thinking in different way and can think in hypothetical terms.
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explain what object permanence is ? and what stage?
semsorimotor. object permances is undering that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be observed.
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explain what egocentrics is? and what stage ?
preoperational. thinking only of oneself without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centred
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explain what conservation is ? and what stage?
concrete operational. is knowing that something is the same mass but in different shapes
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explain what abstract thinking is ? and what stage?
formal operational. solving problems using imagination without having to be involved practially. this is an advanced form of thinking that does not always need practical context.
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Card 2


cognitive development is a childs ability to solve problems and learn for example at 2 months babies learn to explore the environment with their hands or eye and at 5 years a child is able to learn mathematical problems


jean piaget

Card 3


1-sensorimotor, 2-preoperational, 3-concrete operational, 4-formal operational


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Card 4


the infants explore the world thorough their eyes, ears, hands, mouth and an infant will invent ways of solving problems . piaget believed that a child would not have a way of remebering and thinking about the world until they were older.


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Card 5


children use symbols to represent objects but doesnt reason logically. a child has the ability to pretend


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