Inorganic ions

Role of potassium in plants
Active transport; protein synthesis; helps maintain turgidity
1 of 14
Role of calcium in plants
Middle lamella (calcium pectate); translocation of carbohydrates
2 of 14
Role of magnesium in plants
Activator for some enzymes; component of chlorophyll
3 of 14
Role of iron in plants
Constituent of elctron carriers needed in photosynthesis and respiration
4 of 14
Role of nitrates in plants
Some hormones e.g. auxin
5 of 14
Role of phosphate in plants
Cell membrane (phospholipids); forms part of ATP and nucleic acid
6 of 14
Role of potassium in animals
Active transport; protein synthesis; transmission of nerve impulses
7 of 14
Role of calcium in animals
Bones, teeth, sheels; blood clotting; muscle contraction
8 of 14
Role of magnesium in animals
Activator for some enzymes; component of bones and teeth
9 of 14
Role of iron in animals
Forms part of the haem group in respiratory pigments (e.g. haemoglobin)
10 of 14
Role of nitrates in animals
Some hormones e.g. insulin
11 of 14
Role of phosphate in animals
Cell membrane (phospholipids); forms part of ATP and nucleic acid
12 of 14
What is pH?
Partial pressure of H+ ions.
13 of 14
What is a buffer?
A compound which absorbs H+ ions when the concentartion is high, and released them when conc. is low
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Role of calcium in plants


Middle lamella (calcium pectate); translocation of carbohydrates

Card 3


Role of magnesium in plants


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Role of iron in plants


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Role of nitrates in plants


Preview of the front of card 5
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