innate immunity

  • Created by: katioll
  • Created on: 14-04-23 11:52
List chemical and physical defenses
low pH in vagina
gut - acidic
flushing of urinary tract
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What is the function of lysozymes
Digest cell walls of gram positive and negative bacteria
Cleaves Beta 1-4 linkages
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What are Paneth cells
located in epithelial crypts in the intestine and produce antimicrobial proteins - alpha defensins and RegIII
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What are alpha defensins
amphipathic peptides that disrupt cell membranes by inserting into lipid bilayer
They form pores which loses integrity and collapses
Secreted in gut in gut lumen to protect from infections
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What is RegIIIy
A C type lectin that binds to peptidogylcans on gram positive bacteria cell walls
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What are primary lymphoid organs
Bone marrow - produces WBC and helps T helpers development
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What are secondary lymphoid organs
Lymph nodes
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What is inflammation
Heat, pain, redness, swelling
due to cytokines made by WBC
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What are macrophages
they find bacteria in tissues and release cytokines to allow fluid and proteins to pass to infected tissue
causes vasodilation and increases vascular permeability
release of inflammatory mediators that cause pain
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Phagocytes arrive at the site by chemotaxis and infectious agents are taken into the phagosome with pseudopodia surrounding it
lysosome fuses with phagosome forming a phagoluysosome and kills the pathogen
antigenic peptides get presented on the membrane s
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List antigen presenting cells
B lymphocytes
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What are TLR
recognise if bacteria gram positive - TLR1 and TLR2 or negative - TLR4
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What are NOD like receptors
they sense if bacteria has invaded the cell
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What do dendritic cells do
Migrate to lymph nodes activating resting T cells
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What do Fc and complement receptors do
Trigger a faster uptake and degradation of antibody coated bacteria - opsonisation
binding to these receptors signals fusion of lysosomes with phagosomes and increases bactericidal activity
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Escape strategies to counter macrophages activity
1. toxin release - organism releases phagocyte toxin
2. oppsonization prevented - organism produces protein that prevents interaction between opsonizing antibody and phagocyte
3. contact with phagocyte prevented - organism possessed capsule that prevents
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4. contact with phagocyte prevented - organism possessed capsule that prevents contact with phagoctye
4. phagosome fusion inhibited
5. escape into cytoplasm - organism escape feom phagolysosome
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6. resistance to killing - organism resist killing by producing antioxidants
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the function of lysozymes


Digest cell walls of gram positive and negative bacteria
Cleaves Beta 1-4 linkages

Card 3


What are Paneth cells


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are alpha defensins


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is RegIIIy


Preview of the front of card 5
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