Influence of Early Attachment on Later Relationships

What is Bowly's internal working model theory?
a mental representation and template of future relationships based on the child's primary attachment
1 of 11
Describe relationships in later childhood
securely attached children have better friendships and are unlikely to be involved in bullying
2 of 11
Describe the procedure of McCarthy's study
40 adult women who were assessed as infants were later assessed for romantic relationships. analysed 620 replied to a 'love quiz'
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Describe the findings of McCarthy's study
56% identified themselves as securely attached - they were more likely to have good and long lasting relationships
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Describe the procedure of Bailey's study
assessed attachment of 99 mothers to their babies and their own mothers
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Describe the findings of Bailey's study
the majority of mothers has the same attachment classification both to their babies and their own mothers
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EVALUATION - evidence on continuity of attachment type
mixed - McCarthy's study suggests continuity but Zimmerman found little relationship between quality of infant and adolescent attachment
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EVALUATION - most studies have issues of validity
most use interviews or questionnaires - depends on respondents being truthful and realistic + retrospective nature
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EVALUATION - association does not mean causality
parenting style and temperament could cause/affect the attachment and child's ability to form relationships
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EVALUATION - influence of early attachment is probabilistic
Clarke and Clarke; people are not doomed to always have bad relationships just because they had attachment issues
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EVALUATION - self-report in conscious but internal working models are not
not aware of the influence of internal working model and cannot expect to get direct evidence about them by means of interview and questionnaire
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Card 2


Describe relationships in later childhood


securely attached children have better friendships and are unlikely to be involved in bullying

Card 3


Describe the procedure of McCarthy's study


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Card 4


Describe the findings of McCarthy's study


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Card 5


Describe the procedure of Bailey's study


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