Infection- Applied Life Science

  • Created by: Rach749
  • Created on: 20-03-23 13:47
What does Mutualism mean?
It benefits the human and the microorganism.
1 of 20
What word best describes when a benign microorganism becomes pathogenic because of decreased human host resistance?
2 of 20
What are the four processes of Infection?
1. Colonisation
2. Invasion
3. Multiplication
4. Spread
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What does a vector mean in the context of infection out microorganisms?
It is when transmission occurs indirectly.
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Name two virulence factors.
-Adhesions molecules
-Toxins which protect against hosts response.
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What is the interval between the exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of the first symptoms?
Incubation period- the first step of the Clinical Infectious Disease Process.
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Within the Clinical Infectious Disease Process what stage do the symptoms typically decline ?
The Convalescence period - fourth stage of the Clinical Infectious Disease Process.
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What is another word for fever?
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True or false - Rise in temperature is due to the failure of the body to regulate.
False- it just means the body is regulating at a higher temperature than normal
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What gland is responsible for regulation feedback?
The hypothalamus.
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What are pyrogens?
Circulating proteins that produce fever and that reset the thermostat in the hypothalamus.
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What is the name of the ‘tail like’ feature found on a bacteria cell?
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How does a bacteria cell protect against phagocytosis?
Bacteria produce thick capsules of carbohydrates or protein.
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What is a viron?
The basic viral structure
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Describe intracellular survival?
Viruses hide within cells and away from normal inflammatory and immune responses.
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What do moulds secrete?
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Malaria is caused by how many different species of parasites?
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Give an example of a countermeasure against pathogens.
Decrease vector population.
Ensure clean water and uncontaminated food.
Maintain good hand hygiene etc..
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What does MRSA stand for?
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
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Which is the best form of immunity? Infected-induced immunity or vaccine-induced immunity?
Infected-induced immunity as a booster is often required for vaccine-induced immunity.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What word best describes when a benign microorganism becomes pathogenic because of decreased human host resistance?



Card 3


What are the four processes of Infection?


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Card 4


What does a vector mean in the context of infection out microorganisms?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name two virulence factors.


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