
  • Created by: Steff06
  • Created on: 30-05-16 10:19
What is the equivalent of the UK's PACE code of practice in the USA?
The Miranda rights.
1 of 16
Describe the right to remain silent in the USA
Called taking the fifth amendment. it is part of the constitutional rights of citizens.
2 of 16
What did Inbau's approach to interrogation rely on?
Relied on presenting a mass of damaging facts to persuade criminals that they had no choice but to confess.
3 of 16
What did Inbau feel was justifiable?
Felt it was justifiable for the police to lie, deceive or use tricks to force a confession.
4 of 16
1. What is direct confrontation?
The suspect is told directly that they are thought to have committed the offence.
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2. What was the suspect then offered the chance to do?
Suspect offered chance to shift blame away from themselves by being offered some suggestions/justifications for what happened. Interrogator should show sympathy and understanding to make it easier to admit guilt.
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3. What should the suspect not be allowed to do?
Suspect should never be allowed to deny guilt. Interrupt any denial to prevent the suspect from getting the psychological advantage.
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4. What will the suspect try to give?
Suspect will try to give reasons why they could not have committed the crime. Used to move towards a confession by ignoring them so they give up trying.
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5. What should be reinforced?
Reinforce sincerity to ensure that the suspect is receptive by staying close, keeping good eye contact and using first names.
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6. What should be offered?
Suspect will eventually become quieter and listen. Alternatives should be offered. If the suspect cries, infer guilt.
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7. What should be posed?
Pose the alternative question - giving 2 choices of what the suspect could do, one more socially acceptable than the other. Whichever they choose, they are admitting their guilt.
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8. What should you get the suspect to do?
Get the suspect to admit guilt in front of witnesses.
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9. What should be documented?
Document their admission and get them to sign a confession to avoid them retracting it later.
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How does Inbau justify the use of psychological techniques in this way?
He says that they are being used on people presupposed to be guilty through their preliminary interview.
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What is one of the main criticisms?
When used with young people or mentally impaired, highly likely to obtain a false confession.
15 of 16
What are the dangers of interrogation?
Unethical, important info may be missed, induces false confession, leading questions alter memory, innocent until proven guilty.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe the right to remain silent in the USA


Called taking the fifth amendment. it is part of the constitutional rights of citizens.

Card 3


What did Inbau's approach to interrogation rely on?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Inbau feel was justifiable?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


1. What is direct confrontation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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