ICT: G041 - Quiz 2: Information and its Uses

  • Created by: Nathan
  • Created on: 18-03-14 12:17

1. Which of the following is an advantage of EPOS/EFTPOS?

  • Telephone lines required
  • Can accept card payments
  • Software has to be kept up to date
  • Requires lots of maintainance
1 of 15

Other questions in this quiz

2. What is encryption?

  • Words and information is scrambled and an encryption key is needed to unscramble the information
  • When the first and last letters in a word are swapped around
  • When the information is publicly posted online
  • When the data is stored behind a firewall - a wall of fire...

3. Which function is responsible for maintaining the training records?

  • HR
  • Accounts & Finance
  • Sales
  • Marketing

4. Which of the following is a disadvantage of email?

  • If the system is down, then you cannot send emails
  • Can send company wide emails
  • Shows a record of messages sent
  • Instant

5. An external company needs information about wages paid and tax deduction - what is the name of this company?

  • Tax Society
  • Wages Association
  • Inland Revenue
  • BACS


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