ICT Revision

Give two benefits of using wired connections to network computers
Greater bandwidth and More secure
1 of 24
Give two drawbacks of using wired connections to network computers
Transmission can be affected by other devices such as telephones or walls. Risk of tripping
2 of 24
Define Open source
Open source is a software that is available to download free of charge, e.g- OpenOffice.org, which is a suite of applications
3 of 24
Give two advantages to the school of using hosted applications software rather than locally installed software
Can access anywhere with connection and no local storage required
4 of 24
Give two ways in which commercial software companies could respond to this challenge
Provide online storage and add more features
5 of 24
Discuss how an individual's access to a wide range of online services affects their ability to operate safely in the digital world
+ It is easier to track criminal activity through 'digital footprint'. + Communities help moderate activity. + People could become more resilient through their interaction with and exposure to a wider range of people.
6 of 24
Disadvantages of Card 6
- Multiple passwords for different services are difficult to remember, so people often use just one. This is more risky as it provides just one key to many stores of data. - Cyber-bullying that are caused by the way in which some users misuse the I.
7 of 24
Name one device that is needed to connect a media station to a WiFi network
8 of 24
Explain why the quality of video being streamed is reduced when visitors connect.
Because there is more demand for data and reduced bandwidth for availability.
9 of 24
List 2 ways of stopping visitors from connecting to the nursery's network
Disable Wi-Fi and password
10 of 24
Define 'Copyright'
A legal protection for the creator/ owner of work/data.
11 of 24
List 3 personal digital devices that parents could use to receive the email
Smartphone, Laptop and Tablets
12 of 24
State one benefit to the nursery of using a third party payment system.
Increase customer trust
13 of 24
List 3 card details required when paying online using a bank card
1. Card Holder's Name
14 of 24
Give 2 features of NFC payment systems that reduces the security risk to data
Needs to be close to reader and limited to small amounts/ transactions.
15 of 24
Explain one advantage of using photoblogging rather than email to share photos
It is much more quicker than email because the greater the bandwidth, the lower the latency. Can set to auto upload the photographs saving time
16 of 24
Describe how photoblogging could create a risk to the children's privacy
GPS Tagging and strangers see images of them.
17 of 24
Give two examples of transactional data the nursery could collect
IP address and Browser
18 of 24
Give one way that the nursery could use the transactional data they collect from users
By viewing parents comments and acting on their feedback
19 of 24
Describe one method on how to save an image from the photoblog to Laura's tablet computer
Downloading the images and saved in a USB to transfer to Laura's tablet.
20 of 24
Define internet
Internet means a network of networks that are connected to all computers with the same (IP) address.
21 of 24
Give two features of a social network that could be used to publicise the video
Tagging, commenting and liking
22 of 24
(d) The nursery has forgotten their password for the social network. Describe a process that could be used to reset a password securely.
The nursery manager receives an email with a link to a temporary password that needs to be changed.
23 of 24
(e) Some staff check their social networking profiles at work. Explain two reasons why staff are asked not to do this.
1. It is unprofessional leading to negative impact on the business. 2. It will interfere with the social network of the school as it is widely used by other teachers
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give two drawbacks of using wired connections to network computers


Transmission can be affected by other devices such as telephones or walls. Risk of tripping

Card 3


Define Open source


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give two advantages to the school of using hosted applications software rather than locally installed software


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give two ways in which commercial software companies could respond to this challenge


Preview of the front of card 5
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