ICT GCSE Chapter 15 & 16

  • Created by: AmritaJ18
  • Created on: 22-04-17 20:44
Give 4 examples of Sensors
Sensors can be used to measure temperature, light, humidity and pressure
1 of 13
What is the definition of Data Logging?
When a computer is attached to a sensor that is responsible for collecting data over a period of time, they system usually runs automatically with little or no human intervention
2 of 13
What is the definition of Logging Period?
The period of time over which measurements are taken by the sensors
3 of 13
Why is data logging useful?
Fast, accurate readings, free from human error, works automatically 24/7, equipment can be used remotely in hazardous environments
4 of 13
List rules of the Data Protection Act
Data should be: processed lawfully, held for a specific purpose only, relevant and not excessive, accurate and up-to-date and held securely,
5 of 13
What is the Data Subject?
The individual who has personal data held about them on a computer system
6 of 13
What are ways to prevent RSI?
Take regular breaks, appropriate lighting, wrist rest, foot stool, adjustable furniture
7 of 13
What are 2 health risks other than RSI?
Eye strain, backache
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What does the Information Commissioner do?
Promotes openness of official information and protection of private information
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What does the Computer Misuse Act do?
Deals with unauthorised access to computer programs or data, causing damage to data with criminal intent, e.g. planting a virus, or modification of computer data e.g. hacking
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What are 2 causes of RSI?
Typing on a keyboard or using the mouse for long periods of time
11 of 13
What are 2 ways of protecting yourself from eye strain?
Glare from monitors, improper lighting
12 of 13
What is the definition of Ergonomic?
The design and functionality of the office environment, e.g. the lighting, furniture
13 of 13

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Card 2


What is the definition of Data Logging?


When a computer is attached to a sensor that is responsible for collecting data over a period of time, they system usually runs automatically with little or no human intervention

Card 3


What is the definition of Logging Period?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is data logging useful?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


List rules of the Data Protection Act


Preview of the front of card 5
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