Human lifespan development

Emotioanl literacy
The ability to recognise, understand and appropriately express emotions. Emotional literacy is essential for forming positive social relationships.
1 of 10
The ability to identify with or understand another's situation or feelings, "Walking a mile in someone else's shoes".
2 of 10
A strong emotional connection between a child and caregiver.
3 of 10
Self- image
A strong emotional connection between a child and a caregiver.
4 of 10
Self- esteem
How a person feels about themselves, self worth or pride
5 of 10
Self- concept
An awareness formed in early childhood of being an individual, a unique person and different from everyone else.
6 of 10
Being deprived of a caregiver to whom an attachment already exists.
7 of 10
Being deprived of the opportunity to form an attachment.
8 of 10
Seperation anxiety
The fear and apprehension that infants experience when seperated from their primary caregiver.
9 of 10
Stranger anxietty
When an infant becomes anxious and fearful around strangers
10 of 10

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Card 2


The ability to identify with or understand another's situation or feelings, "Walking a mile in someone else's shoes".



Card 3


A strong emotional connection between a child and caregiver.


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Card 4


A strong emotional connection between a child and a caregiver.


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Card 5


How a person feels about themselves, self worth or pride


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