Other questions in this quiz

2. RACE - AAA view?

  • Social construct - not a biological reality, was made to give privilege to some and remove power from others.
  • Was created by slave drivers to justify their actions against people of other skin colours.
  • It is important in today's society so that we don't forget about the history of discrimination some people have gone through.

3. What did anthropologists originally believe when it came to hominins + homosapiens?

  • They have no relation to each other.
  • Homosapiens and hominin lived side by side.
  • Homosapiens descended from hominin in a single line.
  • Hominin descended from homosapiens however they died out due to natural selection.

4. What is DUNBAR's theory about similarities between humans and apes?

  • Humans are most similar to gorillas.
  • Humans and apes are intellectually on par with each other.
  • Humans have an imagination - apes don't.
  • Humans derive from apes in one long hereditary line.

5. What is natural selection?

  • Best adapted organisms survive to pass on their genes.
  • Only the animals who find a mate to reproduce can survive.
  • God decides which animals die out.


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