Human Biology Unit 3 Key Area 1

Consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves system which have fibers that are antagonistic to each other
1 of 11
Sympathetic fibers
speed up heart and breathing rates. Slow down digestive processes/
2 of 11
Parasympathetic fibres
Slow down the heart and breathing rates. Speed up digestive processes
3 of 11
Controls balance and coordination
4 of 11
Control heart rate, breathing rate and peristalsis
5 of 11
Limbic system
has a role in LTM, emotion, motivation and behaviour
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Divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres
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Cerebral cortex
receives sensory information, is involved with decision making in light of experiece and coordinates voluntary movement
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Sensory area
receives impulses from the skin, organs and muscle
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Motor Area
Sends impulses to the skeletal muscle
10 of 11
Corpus Callosum
Transfers information between the two cerebral hemispheres
11 of 11

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Card 2


speed up heart and breathing rates. Slow down digestive processes/


Sympathetic fibers

Card 3


Slow down the heart and breathing rates. Speed up digestive processes


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Card 4


Controls balance and coordination


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Control heart rate, breathing rate and peristalsis


Preview of the back of card 5
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