Holism and Reductionism

  • Created by: Delta_
  • Created on: 04-10-17 11:50
An argument or theory proposing that it only makes sense to study an indivisible system rather than its constituent parts.
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The belief that human behaviour is best explained by breaking it down into smaller constituent parts.
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A form of reductionism which attempts to explain social and psychological phenomena in terms of genes and hormones etc.
biological reductionism
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The attempt to explain all behaviour in terms of stimulus-response links that have been learned through experience.
environmental reductionism
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The approach that has a view of holism in psychology.
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All phenomena should be explained using the most basic principles. This is often the simplest, easiest and most economical level of explanation.
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Suggests that there are different ways of viewing the same phenomena in psychology, some more reductionist than others.
levels of explanation
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Card 2


The belief that human behaviour is best explained by breaking it down into smaller constituent parts.



Card 3


A form of reductionism which attempts to explain social and psychological phenomena in terms of genes and hormones etc.


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Card 4


The attempt to explain all behaviour in terms of stimulus-response links that have been learned through experience.


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Card 5


The approach that has a view of holism in psychology.


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