Hitler's Consolidation to Power

When was the Reichstag fire?
27th of February 1933
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Who was blamed for the Reichstag fire?
Marinus van der Lubbe and communists
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What did President Hindenburg grant Hitler as a result of the Reichstag fire?
The Law for Protection of People and State
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What was the Law for Protection of People and State?
It banned freedom of speech so Hitler could arrest anyone who spoke out against Nazi policies
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Why did Hitler hold the March 1933 elections?
He needed 2/3 majority to pass laws in the Reichstag
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How did he try to achieve this?
He used his new law to arrest, attack or execute any political rivals such as communists
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What were the results of the election?
He got more seats than the other parties but he still needed 2/3 majority
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How does he change this?
He bans the communists from taking their seats and he holds a vote for the Enabling Act
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What was the Enabling Act?
It would allow Hitler to pass laws for 4 years without consulting the Reichstag or President Hindenburg
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How many votes for and against the Enabling Act?
444 votes for and 94 votes against
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How was the Enabling Act achieved?
SA and ** men intimidated people outside before voting and many of those who voted against weren't allowed to leave
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How did Hitler use the Enabling Act?
He banned trade unions, made Nazis the only legal government party in Germany and gave all local governments Nazi governers so he could control them
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Who was Earnst Rohm?
The leader of the SA
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Reasons for the Night of the Long Knives?
Rohm didn't agree with Nazi policies and rumour had it Rohm planned on challenging Hitler and replacing the army with the SA, which the army feared.
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Who was killed?
400 people, 150 of which were SA officials, including Rohm
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What were the results of the Night of the Long Knives and the death of President Hindenburg?
Hitler takes over Germany as Fuhrer (chancellor and president) and the army swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who was blamed for the Reichstag fire?


Marinus van der Lubbe and communists

Card 3


What did President Hindenburg grant Hitler as a result of the Reichstag fire?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the Law for Protection of People and State?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did Hitler hold the March 1933 elections?


Preview of the front of card 5
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