History - WW1


1. Why did the arms race escalate ?

  • Naval rivalry between Britain and Germany, All countries had reasons to build Army , Geography countries closer wanted to protect
  • Because Hitler caused dispute
  • Because the Moroccan crisis was happing
1 of 15

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2. what happend in 1911

  • There was a revolution in Morocco, so France sent an army to take over. Kaiser Wilhelm sent the gunship 'Panther', but Britain and France forced him to back down.
  • I dunno
  • war

3. Who where the triple entente

  • Britain , France ,Russia
  • Germany , Italy , Austria Hungry
  • India, Paris London

4. what was the schlieffen plan?

  • Assumptions made by General Von schlieffen to attack France
  • lies
  • a huge fail

5. What was the battle of YPRES

  • killed thousends
  • The first Battle of Ypres took place between October 30 - November 24, 1914. British, French and Belgian troops were outnumbered by the Germans who were trying to get to the English Channel. The Allies won the battle after 34 days of fighting
  • Yes please


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