Nazi and Weimar Germany - Nazi control and dictatorship:1933-39

when was the Reichstag Fire ?
Feb 1933
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who was blamed for the reichstag fire?
Marinus van der lubbe
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how did hitler use the reichstag fire to his advantage?
he made hindenburg declare a state of emergency so hitler could pass laws by decree
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was the decree passed before or after the 1933 elections?
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what was the purpose of the decree?
to suspend civil rights so hitler could imprison his rivals and ban communist newspapers
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what happened during the march 1933 election?
70 people died in clashes between the SA and the Nazi opponents
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how many seats did the Nazis win?
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how many seats did the communists win?
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Hitler banned the communists from taking their 81 seats by using .....
his emergency powers
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who helped hitler gain 2/3 of the votes?
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when was the enabling act passed?
march 1933
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how many votes was the enabling act passed by?
444 to 94
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where was the voting held?
kroll opera house
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what was the purpose of this act?
the act said Hitler could make laws without the consent of the reichstag
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how long could hitler pass laws without the consent of the reichstag for?
4 years
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what did hitler ban in 1933?
trade unions and made strikes illegal
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why did hitler ban trade unions and strikes?
because they could undermine his power and they could be a possible source of opposition
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how many political parties did hitler ban in 1933?
all except the nazi party
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why did hitler ban all the political parties?
to remove opposition to his goverment and make nazis stronger
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who did hitler ban in 1934?
local parliaments (lander)
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why did hitler banned the local parliaments (lander)?
because the nazis did not control them and to remove any opposition.
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who was the leader of the SA?
ernst rohms
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what did ernst rohms disagree to?
hitler's policies
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how many members did the SA have by 1934?
3 million
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what is the night of the long knives?
it was hitler's purge of the SA in 1934
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how many people were shot in the night of the long knives?
400 people including ernst rohm
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why did hitler ordered the SA to be killed?
because they were a threat to him
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when did president hindenburg die?
august 1934
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what happened after hindenburg died?
hitler declared himself fuhrer
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what was the percentage of people who approved of hitler being fuhrer?
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Who was the dictator now?
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when did hitler set up the **?
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who ran the ** from 1929?
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how many member did the ** have in 1929?
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what did the ** control?
All of the security forces in the Nazi police state
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which unit of the ** ran concentration camps?
The Death's head
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what made up the Nazi police state?
The gestapo, SD, **, concentration camps and the metropolitan police and courts
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who led the gestapo?
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why was it easy for the gestapo to spy on people?
because they wore no uniform
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by 1939 how many people had been arrested by the gestapo?
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who controlled german law courts?
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what could hitler do in german law courts?
he could sack any judges who displeased him and change the sentences set
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what court did hitler set?
people's court
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what was the purpose of people's court?
to hear 'crimes against the state' being judged by handpicked judges
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what was the name and date of the first concentration camp?
dachau, 1933
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why were the camps set up?
to punish political opponents and take in the 'undesirables' such as jews, homosexuals and gypsies.
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by 1939, how many camps were there and how many prisoners did they have?
6 camps, 20,000 prisoners
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what agreement was in made between the pope and hitler in 1933?
the concordat
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what did the concordat state?
that hitler would allow catholics to worship and the catholic church would not interfere in politics.
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why did hitler make an agreement with the pope?
because he hoped it would reduce opposition to nazi rule
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did the concordat fail or succeed?
it failed
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why did the concordat fail?
because hitler wanted more control of the catholic church
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what did hitler do to schools?
he made them teach his curriculum
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what did hitler do to catholic youth groups?
he banned them
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what did hitler do to priests?
he arrested them
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when and what was the name of the statement delivered by the pope criticising the nazis?
1937, 'with burning anxiety'
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some protestants accepted...
the nazis and even put nazi flag in church
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what was the PEL?
pastors emergency league
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what was the purpose of the PEL?
to campaign against hitler
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who was the leader of the PEL?
pastor martin niemoller
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when was pastor martin niemoller arrested?
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where was pastor martin niemoller sent to?
a concentration camp
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who ran the ministry of people's enlightment and propaganda?
joseph goebbels
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what did joseph goebbels control?
newspapers, magazines, films, plays and radio broadcasts
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what did joseph goebbels censored?
information they didn't like
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what was propaganda used for?
to persuade people to support the nazis and their ideas
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what were cheap to increase propaganda?
radios, film and theatre tickets so they could portray their propaganda
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why did they use spectacular rallies?
to boost the image of hitler and the nazi party
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what did they do to books regularly?
they would collect and publicly burn them
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how many books were burned in one munich book-burning?
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what authors were included in the book-burning?
freud and einstein
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what did the nazis do to academic ideas?
they would destroy them
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between 1933 and 1938, how many university teachers were sacked?
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what else did the nazis control in schools?
the research that could be done and the results were expected to confirm nazi views
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what three other things did the nazis control?
music, art and sports
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what type of music was encouraged?
'german' music, like Beethoven
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what type of music was banned?
'foreign' music, like jazz
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why did the nazis approve of the olympics?
because they could use that opportunity to show off their nazi success
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


who was blamed for the reichstag fire?


Marinus van der lubbe

Card 3


how did hitler use the reichstag fire to his advantage?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


was the decree passed before or after the 1933 elections?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what was the purpose of the decree?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




this is amazing af! it helped me passed my a levels yay

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