History, stability of the monarchy (Marys gender)

  • Created by: Ionahar
  • Created on: 07-01-23 18:05
Name the fears of having a female ruler?
-She wouldn't be able to lead troops in battle
-A woman was unable to control faction
-Marriage(as she was expected to be subservient)
1 of 12
What 2 issues came with Marriage?
-If they were from England it might promote to much power to a certain family
-if they were foreign they might be dragged into wars
2 of 12
Who said it was 'insulting to god' for a woman to be on the throne?
John Knox
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When did Mary announce she was marring Philip of Spain?
27th on October 1553
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How did the house of commons react to this?
Badly, they made a petition but she ignored it
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When was the marriage treaty formed?
December 7th 1553 and approved in January 1554
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Despite the marriage treaty, who formed opposition?
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What did the opposition say about female rule?
It suggested that women did cause instability as it was only months after the Lady Jane Plot
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What did Wyatt claim was the reason for his opposition?
He claimed that her marriage to Philip of Spain would lose his influence in court as he would be replaced by Spaniards
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What were is potentially real motives?
He was a protestant and the other supporters had been involve in the reforms under Edward VI
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What did Mary do that suggested a female ruler could create stability?
She chose not the leave the capital and it showed that she held a strong front.
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Despite the defeat of the Wyatt rebellion, what suggest that it had an impact on stability?
Her wedding was only 12 months after she came to the throne
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Card 2


What 2 issues came with Marriage?


-If they were from England it might promote to much power to a certain family
-if they were foreign they might be dragged into wars

Card 3


Who said it was 'insulting to god' for a woman to be on the throne?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did Mary announce she was marring Philip of Spain?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did the house of commons react to this?


Preview of the front of card 5
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