History- Paper One USA

Why was there an economic boom? (4 ways)
Mass Production, Advertising, Share Confidence, Republican Government Policies
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Three groups who didnt benefit from the economic boom?
African Americans, Families in Poverty, Old Industrial Workers
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What changed for women in the 20s?
They were able to vote
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What were flappers?
Women who defied what they were expected to be. They broke traditionalist views.
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What popular culture became popular in the 20s?
Jazz music, Silent movies, Sport.
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Which company reacted best to the economic boom?
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What was the price of a ford car before the 20s? What was the price in the 20s?
Around $800- decreased to around $200
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Which group protested againt African Americans?
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How did America deal with Immigration laws?
Literacy tests.
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What were the effects of Prohibition? (3)
Production of moonshine, Bribary to keep speakeasies open, Organised crime.
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When was the Wall Street Crash?
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What were the impacts of the Great Depression (3)
Unemployment, Homelessness, Struggling Farmers.
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How did Hoover respond to the Depression?
Rugged individualism, Tax cuts, Increased taxes of foreign goods (Hawley-Smoot Tarrif).
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When did Roosevelt win the election?
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Why did Roosevelt win the election?
He had a good reputation as Governor of New York.
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What did Roosevelt introduce to end the Depression?
The New Deal (Alphabet Agencies).
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What did FERA do?
$500 million for soup kitchens and blankets
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What did AAA do?
Paid Farmers to reduce production, stablised pricing for produce.
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What did the CCC do?
Gave young men temporary work
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What did PWA do?
Provided jobs on public work programmes such as building hospitals and schools
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What did the SSA do?
Set up pensions and benefits for the unemployed
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What were the three Rs that Roosevelt promised?
Relief, Recovery, Reform.
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Why was there opposition to the New Deal?(3)
Republicans opposed roosevelt, Supreme Court thought Alphabet Agencies were too leaneant, Radicals wanted everyone to have same wealth (Huey Long).
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How many were unemployed in 1937?
Under 8 million
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How many jobs did WPA give a week?
2 million
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What was the Lend Lease?
America leant weapons to countries like Britain
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Why was the Lend Lease benefical?
Built international relationships and created jobs
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How did the SWW help to end unemployement?
Gave many jobs making weapons, only 670,000 unemployed in 1944
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How much of the worlds goods was America producing in the 50s?
Nearly half.
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How many Americans owned a TV by 1951?
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What did Brown v Board of Education do?
Desegregated schools
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When was Brown v Board of Education
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When was Montgomery Bus Bycott? What did it do?
1955-1956. Rosa Parks desegregated buses.
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When was the March on Washington? What was it?
1963. 250,000 heard MLK "I have a dream" speech
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When was the Civil Rights Act passed? What did it do?
1964. Ended segreation and discrimination based on colour or religion.
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What did Malcolm X want?
Blacks to be superior over whites.
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What did President Kennedy promise?
To make America a fairer place.
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What did Johnson Promise?
to end poverty and racial injustice
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What did the feminist movement do?
Demanded equality in women and men.
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What dates and Acts did feminist movements pass?
1963- Equal Pay Act. 1965- Contreception should be allowed. 1973 legalise of abortion
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Three groups who didnt benefit from the economic boom?


African Americans, Families in Poverty, Old Industrial Workers

Card 3


What changed for women in the 20s?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What were flappers?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What popular culture became popular in the 20s?


Preview of the front of card 5
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