History Key people America

  • Created by: Eve16
  • Created on: 16-11-21 12:22
Henry Ford
Henry Ford was an incredible business man and mechanical genius. Ford realised that if he wants to make more money he needs to produce cars much more cheaply and efficiently. This is why he created the assembly line. He created a car called 'Model T'
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Al Capone
The most infamous gangster of all time. He would make $2 million a week from illegal business. Brothels, Gambling, Bootlegging and Racketeering.
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Herbert Hoover
He belonged to the Republican Party they were traditionally known to be favoured by wealthier and business people. They believed in Laissez-faire. He believed in "rugged individualism".
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Franklin D Roosevelt
He belonged to the Democratic Party. He promised America the "3 R's" Relief, Recovery, Reform. He called all of his new idea "The New Deal"
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Martin Luther King
He believed passionately in non-violent protests such as Boycotts and Sit ins. He organised the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Washington march where he spoke his 'I have a Dream speech'. He was assassinated in 1968 by James Earl Ray.
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Malcolm X
He went to prison for drug dealing and burglary and where he adopted the religion of Islam. He then changed his name to Malcolm X. He supported violent protests as he believed that this would cause change. He was then shot and killed in 1965.
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John F Kennedy
A Democrat who was elected for president. He was very popular and had many affairs. He introduced the 'Civil Rights Bill' but was assassinated before he could sign it and let it come into action.
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Lyndon B Johnson
The president who took over from President Kennedy. He had ambitions of creating a 'Great Society'. He signed the Civil Rights Act and was known for his role in the Vietnam war.
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Card 2


The most infamous gangster of all time. He would make $2 million a week from illegal business. Brothels, Gambling, Bootlegging and Racketeering.


Al Capone

Card 3


He belonged to the Republican Party they were traditionally known to be favoured by wealthier and business people. They believed in Laissez-faire. He believed in "rugged individualism".


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Card 4


He belonged to the Democratic Party. He promised America the "3 R's" Relief, Recovery, Reform. He called all of his new idea "The New Deal"


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Card 5


He believed passionately in non-violent protests such as Boycotts and Sit ins. He organised the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Washington march where he spoke his 'I have a Dream speech'. He was assassinated in 1968 by James Earl Ray.


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