History- (GCSE) Summer Term (Yr.10)

what was a pest house ?
a new type of hospital introduced for people with diseases such as the plague
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how did william harvey impact anatomical knowledge ?
he inspired upcoming doctors, went against royal society mainly developed theory of blood flow, benefited from the printing press
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who was veralius ?
encouraged dissections, disproved galens theories, rich illustrations, caused controversy with other physicians, study of anatomy fashionable
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what was the change in hospitals after 1536?
you would get a good meal and medication, pest houses introduced, more likely to be welcomed, were acc treated, religious sponsors left
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what was the renaissance period ?
a period of time from 1300-1600
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what did people believe were the causes of the plague ?
1665!!!!, flea bites(science reason), miasma, unusual alignments of planets, god
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what was the prevention of the plague ?
sniff rosemary, smoke tabacco, lock people away
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what were the mistakes made when trying to cure the plague ?
killing cats and dogs as they werent responisble, the cold temperature killed off the plague
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who was pasteur ?
He made heaps of important discoveries related to the immune system, vaccinations, chemistry and the how diseases were caused
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what were the basic principles of the germ theory ?
air contains living microorganisms, microbes can be killed by heating them, microbes cause decay in air, microbes arent evenly distributed in air
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what was pasteur know for doing ?
He invented vaccines for cholera, anthrax, small pox and rabies
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who was koch ?
a physcian who developed pasteurs germ theory, Koch formulated four criteria in 1890 that must be achieved for establishing a cause of an infectious disease
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how did the germ theory impact medicine ?
doctors now focused on cause of disease and matched symptoms with microbe, it lead to new treatments
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define spontaneous generation
microbes caused disease solid link between microbes and disease
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how did ideas of treatment change in the 18th century ?
treatment focused on removing germ, everyone now willing to prevent disease
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who was florence nightingale ?
a well educated women who was also known as the lady by the lamp as in her hospital she would go to the soldiers if they wanted to in the night, she healed many by her cleanliness, he set up the first nursing school, made a drastic change in hospital
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what is aseptic surgery ?
surgery where microbes are prevented from getting into the wound int he first place as opposed to being killed off with an antiseptic in the first place
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what impact did joseph lister have ?
the surgeon who introduced new principles of cleanliness which transformed surgical practice in the late 1800s, he used carbollic acid to kill off microbes and stop flesh rotting, utensils now sterelised ans rubber gloves worn
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what was chloroform and antiseptic ?
something used to knock out a patient to allow deeper surgeries, reduce pain and allow less people to die from shock. however chloroform had some bad sidde afects
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define inoculation
deliberately infecting oneself with a disease in order to avoid a more severe case of it later on
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why didnt inocualtion always work ?
because the dosage would be wrong
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what was the difference between vaccinations and inoculations ?
vaccinations were more controlled (dosage)
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who was jenner ?
the peron who found the first vaccine for smallpox. Jenner did this by inoculating James Phipps with cowpox, a virus similar to smallpox, to create immunity, unlike variolation, which used smallpox to create an immunity to itself.
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what are the long term impacts of the cow pox vaccination ?
saved lives, made vaccination acceptable, it inspired other scienetists
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what are the short term impacts of the cow pox vaccination ?
royal jennerian society was set up, it was slow to become popular in britain
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what was cholera ?
spread quickly in britain in 1831, mainly affected poor, over 3 decades 3 breakouts
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what did the victorians blame cholera on ?
dirty sheets, overcrowding, miasma, sewage on streets, the poor
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define hereditary disease
A genetic disorder is a genetic problem caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome.
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define dna
a thread-like chain of nucleotides carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses
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define genome
set of chromosomes in a gamete or microorganism, or in each cell of a multicellular organism.
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define haemophilia
a medical condition in which the ability of the blood to clot is severely reduced, causing the sufferer to bleed severely from even a slight injury. The condition is typically caused by a hereditary lack of a coagulation factor,
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define mastectomy
surgery where someone has one or two breast removed
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how do we explain disease today ?
if you smoke, your diet, lifestyle
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how did people belive disease was caused in medieval times ?
by a persons humours being unbalanced
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what are some technologies needed for diagnoses?
ECGs, endoscopes, ultrasounds
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what is a magic bullet ?
chemical cure and targets one specific microbe without harming anything else
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how were magic bullets found ?
In 1909, Ehrlich's new colleague Sahachiro Hata (1873-1938) brought with him a method of producing syphilis infections in laboratory rabbits, and discovered that drug no. 606 worked. The first 'magic bullet' had been found, and was marketed under the
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what did scientist develop after the first magic bullet?
medicines to pin point diseases, treatments for diabetes, identify tumours, microbes and unusual genes, better testing for new treatments
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whats the NHS include?
treatment for anything, medication, free for everyone, set up by atlee, underfunded
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what was health care like before the NHS ?
no medication, funded by community, only wealthy people had access to proper gps and healthcare
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what was the NHS funded by in 1948 ?
national insurance, provided free dental and eyecare, waiting times increases and appointments decreased
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what happened after the GP charter was bought in in 1966?
better healthcare
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how did treatment change in the 20th century ?
reduction in infectious disease, new flu vaccince every winter, nhs-free, batter access to cures, hospitals all about healthcare
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how did treatment stay the same in the 20th century ?
herbal remedies still used, pay for barber surgeons still, cared for in the home
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what lead to the massive change in treatment in the 20th centrury ?
increased understanding of cause, increased understanding of methods of prevention, compulsory vaccinations introduced, laws to provide a healthy environment, lifestyle campaigns set up
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what are signs of lung cancer ?
frequent illness, unexplained weight loss, pain in fingers, pain in torso(chest), coughing up blood
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what are risk factors for lung cancer ?
smoking, exposure to gases, aspestos exposure, gas, oil
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how is lung cancer diagnosed ?
by using an xray, ct or pet-ct scan, bronchoscopy, take sample cells
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how is lung cancer treated ?
transplants, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, genetics (only for some cancers)
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how can lung cancer be prevented ?
dont smoke and avoid second hand smoke, test home for radon, exercise, eat a healthy diet
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how was penecillin found ?
founded by alexander flemming by accident in 1928, florey and chain receive flemming research and develop it, after treating mice and trying the treatment on an infected police officer, they realised that it works but didnt have enough to keep him
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what dangers faced soldiers in the front line ?
shelling, grenades, gas and hand to hand combats
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how long should you expect to be in the front line for ?
for up to a month under constant bombardment
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how many people were treated for injuries ?
2.7 million
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what were the problems faced by the medical services ?
run out of medicine, no staff, trauma for themselves, lack of supplies, not enough space for everyone, where to start with certain wounds
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what are they key features of aseptic surgery ?
had to wash face and arms, rubber gloves worn, air was sterilised, sterelise medical equipment, to prevent infection and minimise recovery time this was done but you cant have a cean environment at the western front
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what are they key features of x-rays ?
large machines, health risks not understood, burns occured, took long time and was fragile- could diagnose people wiht internal injuries, not that common though, couldn't do at front line
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what are they key features of a blood tranfusion ?
blood was transferred straight from donor to patient, so people can get blood back after loosing it, not able to happen at front line as donor has to be there and blood types might not match and donors were limited anyway
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what were trentches like ?
boring, scary dirty, surrounded by bodies, horrific, rats, britains trenches were bad compared to german trenches, expected to die, was a defensive war
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what were the problems with the horse ambulance ?
slow, uncomfortable, bumpier than motor ambulance, tiredness, bad hygine
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how did they transport wounded soldiers ?
by horse ambulance, motor ambulance, canal barrage
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how were nurses recuited ?
by using propaganda photos
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was does RAMC mean ?
royal army medial corps, the branch of the army responsible for medical care founded in 1898
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what does FANY mean ?
first aid nursing yeomany, founded in 1907, womens organisation which sent volunteers to the western front eg, driving ambulances and giving emergency first aid
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give information on chlorine gas
founded in 1915, led to death by suffication, put urine soaked clothes on face to prevent death
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give information on phosgene gas
founded in 1915, fast acting, killed person in two days
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give information on mustard gas
founded in 1917, caused internal and external blisters, death within 12 hours, burnt skin
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what are symptoms of shellshock ?
headaches, nightmares, anxiety, depression
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what are the symptoms of trench foot ?
swelling foot, gangrene, numbness prevent= change socks, amputate, rub oil into feet
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what are the symptoms of trench fever ?
headaches, high temp, aching muscles, rash, prevention= druggs, insecticides
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


how did william harvey impact anatomical knowledge ?


he inspired upcoming doctors, went against royal society mainly developed theory of blood flow, benefited from the printing press

Card 3


who was veralius ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what was the change in hospitals after 1536?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what was the renaissance period ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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