History: Conflict and Tension 1918 - 39

give three reasons for punishing Germany
casualties (9 mil B + French), economies, destruction, Russia (Brest - Litosk), politicians (F + B under pressure from ppl to punsish), blame (Germany started it!)
1 of 69
what was annoying about the reparations for Germany?
they had to be payed in goods as money was worthless
2 of 69
Which type of politician was Woodrow Wilson?
What type of politician was Lloyd-George?
an idealist
a realist
3 of 69
what of the Fourteen points might upset Britain and France?
- 1 free access to seas in peacetime or wartime
- 5 colonies have a say in their future
- 10 self determination
4 of 69
how did each of the big three feel about the treaty?
Clemenceau - happy with Alsace-Lorraine, military cuts and reparations, but didn't feel went far enough
Lloyd George - happy in navy cuts and colony losses, but felt trade would be hard
Wilson - happy with LON and self-determination, but thinks too harsh
5 of 69
Germany's colonies became mandates controlled by LON. what did that mean?
They were taken by the LON, which basically meant B + F owned them
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What happened to The Rhineland?
it became a demilitarised zone
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apart from loss of colonies, what other examples are there of loss of German land in TOV?
- The Saarland given to France (mandate) 15 years
- Polish corridor splitting G in two for Poland's sea access
- Rhineland demilitarised zone
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what was the political ideology of the senate that voted to not join the LON in 1920?
9 of 69
why were the Germans angry about the war guilt clause?
they didn't believe it was their fault
just an excuse to fine them lots
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what did the loss of the Saarland make it harder for the Germans to do?
pay 6.6 billion reparations
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What was the Kapp Putsch, when was it, and what was it caused by?
1920 - it was an attempted revolution in Germany caused by people appalled at terms and the fact Germany signed. Germany in chaos!
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what did Germany fall behind on in 1922?
What did this lead to in 1923?
what did these events make Germany?
reparations payments - in yearly instalments
France and Belgium invaded Ruhr district, and G ordered the workers there to strike. 100 workers killed.
People had no money, G no goods, country even poorer!
13 of 69
give three reasons for whether the TOV was fair (use stats!)
- end of hugely destructive war (9 mil B + F casualties)
- Brest-Litosk; G going to take 25% Russia's land and ppl
- End of Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. Big 3 did best
14 of 69
give three reasons against whether the TOV was fair (use stats!)
- 6 mil G now outside G territory (persecution)
- lost 1% of land
- Lloyd G predict way in 25 years
- G felt vulnerable with 100 000 and no subs, tanks or planes
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What were the two of Turkey's treaties called?
Treaty of Sevres
Treaty of Lausanne
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Give four of Poland's problems
- no natural barriers
- 30% of ppl not polish
- poor; weak military
- bc of Polish corridor G hates it
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Why was Czechoslovakia set up?
- self determination
- friend for France against Germany
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when did Germany join the LON and why was this possible?
1925; Locarno treaty
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what was the Covenant?
the steps for how LON would deal with aggression:
- mitigation: getting countries together to talk about problems
- moral condemnation: telling off
- economic sanctions: no trade w warring countries
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what were the five sections of the LON?
The Assembly, The Council, The Secretariat, The Permanent Court of International Justice and Special commissions
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what were the LON's weaknesses (4)
- membership: no USA!
- slow: assembly needed unanimous votes
- imbalance of power: I B F and J could veto anything in Council
- Countries could leave when they wanted to
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what were the LON's strengths? 2
- written into all peace treaties end of WW1
- large membership
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why was USSR not invited to LON and why was this a problem?
- Big 3 worried communism will spread to Europe
- It means Russia is suspicious of rest of the world, and they could have had a huge and powerful country on their side
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who left the LON and when?
Germany - 1933
Japan - 1933
Italy - 1937
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what are the four reasons the USA didn't join the LON?
- economy: isolationism
- loss of American lives
- lots of Germans in USA didn't support TOV
- opposed Britain and France (freedom? colonies?)
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give six reasons for why the US's membership was a problem for the LON
- most powerful country: sanctions useless
- influential
- global reach
- army
- moral leadership: US's idea
- richest country: resources?
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why was the LON's organisation useless?
- dispraportionate power in council; can veto anything assembly suggest
- slow: assembly only meet once a year
- cannot enforce decisions made in the PCoIJ
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give three instances where the LON improved peoples lives (w stats)
- 400 000 refugees of WW1 returned home from camps
- Turkey's refugee crisis: destroyed cholera, dysentery and small pox
- limited hour small children could work
- exterminated mosquitoes to reduce cases of malaria and yellow fever
- USSR took health leag
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What was the result of the dispute between Sweden and Finland 1921?
The Aarland islands were given to Finland
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What was the result of the economic collapse of Austria and Hungary 1922-3
LON gave them a loan, and sent commissioners to check money being spent well, and they began to recover
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What was the result of the Corfu incident 1923
Only when the Greeks apologised and paid up did Mussolini withdraw. LON did nothing as didn't want to upset Italy
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What was the result of the Greek-Bulgarian dispute 1925
Greece condemned, and withdrew
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What was the result of the dispute in Upper Silesia 1921
Upper Silesia given to Poland after a vote which went Germany's way. Germany accepts decision.
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what was the result of the Vilna dispute 1920
Vilna occupied by Polish troops which refuse to leave. LON does nothing.
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what was the only progress disarmament made?
1921 Washington conference, where Britain, USA, France and Japan agreed to limit the size of their navies
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what did Japan decide their solution to The Great Depression was?
invade Manchuria (china)
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What triggered the invasion of Manchuria?
J claimed Chinese soldiers sabotages South Manchurian railway. They said invasion was self-defence
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what's the name of the report that took a year to write about Manchuria?
The Lytton report
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What country did Mussolini invade in 1935?
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what was the trigger for Italy's invasion of Abbysinia?
Wal - Wal incident
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What was the Stresa Pact 1934?
B and F signing a deal with Italy to unite against any threat with Hitler
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what is the crucial thing B and F don't do in Abbysinia?
close the Suez Canal
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What were the three reasons the LON failied in Abyssinia?
- no USA
- slow
- selfish interests
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what were Hitler's four aims?
- Lebensraum (living space)
- greater Germany
- abolish TOV
- defeat communism (bolshevism)
45 of 69
How did Britain &
France, USSR, USA and Italy feel about Hitler's aims?
- France very worried. Britain less so. Both do not want war
- USSR worried about Hitler's anti-communist
- USA following isolationism, doesn't want to get involved
- Italy worried at first; thinks Austria's a good barrier from German attack
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How much did Hitler re arm? stats
100 000 --> 950 000
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What are the two reasons Britain was sympathetic when Germany left LON?
- felt treaty unfair; no one else disarmed
- strong Germany barrier against Communism
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How many battleships did the Anglo-German naval agreement in 1935 give Germany?
35% of Britain's navy
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What was the result of The Saar Plebiscite in 1935?
What did this give Hitler?
90% voted to join Germany
resources (coal)
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why did the Stresa Pact (1935) collapse?
- vague
- Britain allowed G more navy with Anglo-German naval agreement
- Italy invaded Abyssinia and allied with Hitler
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why was Hitler's entry of the Rhineland 1936 a risk for him?
- army weak
- orders to retreat if attacked
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what was the excuse Hitler gave for invading the Rhineland?
France and USSR signed a treaty in 1935 to protect eachother against German attack
said he was threatened and moved troops to Rhineland in self-defence
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why don't France attack? 3 reasons
- election coming up; war a vote-loser
- think German army bigger than it is
- Britain won't back them up
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Who was the chancellor of Austria in 1938?
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why did Hitler fail to invade Austria in 1934?
Mussolini stopped him
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why did the invasion succeed in 1938? 2 reasons
Germany and Italy friends (w Japan signed anti-comintern pact against communism)
army stronger
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what did Schuschnigg suggest when H invaded?
What did H do to this?
- a vote
- made S resign, sent troops in and held vote - 99.75% voted yes
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What was the conference that gave Hitler all of the Sudetenland?
Munich Conference
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why was this different to all of Hitler's other claims?
- H had no claim over The Sudetenland
- Benes had been ready to fight; lost oppurtunity!
- USSR suspcious of B and F
- Czech now defenceless!
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was there justification to invasion of the rest of Czech?
- no - no Germans. Invasion would be unpopular
61 of 69
why was appeasement wrong?4
- made Hitler confident
- put too much trust in his promises
- allowed G to grow too strong
- scared USSR
62 of 69
what was the Nazi - Soviet Pact 1939
- Hitler wanted Poland. But USSR shared border, and Hitler didn't want to invade Russia next
- Pact said they wouldn't attack each other and Poland be shared between them
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when was the Stresa Front signed?
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who signed the Stresa Front?
Britain, France, Mussolini
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What was the Stresa Front about?
If Hitler attacked any of the countries, all three would attack him
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why did Mussolini see this as a green light to invade Africa?
if B and F were scared of H, they wouldn't stop him in fear of losing an ally
67 of 69
How did B and F respond to Mussolini's invasion of Abyssinia
- condemned, but M didn't listen
- sanctions, but not strong enough
- banned sale of weapons by members of LON
- but still allow sale of oil and raw materials needed
68 of 69
when was the Hoare-Laval pact signed?
69 of 69

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what was annoying about the reparations for Germany?


they had to be payed in goods as money was worthless

Card 3


Which type of politician was Woodrow Wilson?
What type of politician was Lloyd-George?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what of the Fourteen points might upset Britain and France?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how did each of the big three feel about the treaty?


Preview of the front of card 5
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