Other questions in this quiz

2. What trick did the norman use to break the shield wall?

  • He used the trick of retreating, and they ran down the hill, causing some of the English to chase them, breaking the shield wall.
  • He used the trick of dying, making the English think they had won, lowering their defence and they broke through.

3. William of Normandy had been in control of Normandy since he was a boy, helped by his mothers family and was used to fighting off would-be invaders

  • True
  • False

4. What tactic did the English use at the beginning?

  • They ran down the hill and attacked
  • They formed a massive shield wall
  • They fired a barrage of arrows down at the Normans

5. Harold Godwinson was King of England

  • after 1064
  • after 1066
  • after 1061
  • after 1068


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