Hilary Kennedy Practice questions


1. using the stoichiometric equation for respiration. In samples taken at different depths from below the euphotic zone, nitrate concentrations increase by 9.6M. Over the same depth, by how much would you predict the phosphate concentration to change ?

  • 128 microM
  • 0.6 microM
  • 5 microM
  • 8 microM
1 of 18

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2. Which of these statements is true?

  • The constancy of composition of seawater is maintained because most of the major constituents exhibit conservative behaviour.
  • The concentration of ions exhibiting conservative behaviour are significantly changed by biological and chemical reactions in seawater.
  • Most major ions behave non conservatively
  • Most minor and trace ions behave conservatively

3. For practical reasons a 4mM secondary standard is to be made from the primary (2.5M) standard solution. What volume of the 2.5 M standard solution would you need to add and dilute in a 1 litre volumetric to make the 4mM secondary standard.

  • 1cm3
  • 2.7cm3
  • 1.6 cm3
  • 10cm3

4. What is the definition of a bio-unlimited constituent

  • A constituent whose concentration in solution is controlled primarily by biological activity.
  • A constituent whose concentration in solution is unaffected by biological activity.
  • A constituent whose concentration in solution is affected by both physical and biological activity
  • . A constituent whose concentration in solution is controlled by scavenging.

5. Why is iron fertilisation a topic of great current interest?

  • Because it stimulates biological activity in regions with low phytoplankton growth but high nutrients, leading to patches of the ocean that have high magnetism
  • Because it stimulates biological activity in regions with low phytoplankton growth but high nutrients, leading to a high export flux of carbon to the sea floor.
  • Because it stimulates biological activity, which are heavier than normal and so sink rapidly.
  • Because it stimulates biological activity in regions with low phytoplankton growth but high nutrients, leading to a cooling of the surface ocean waters.


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