Open Oceans

  • Created by: rosieevie
  • Created on: 27-05-17 14:31

Causes of Ocean Basin Circulation

  • Major surface ocean currents driven by combined effect of global wind patterns and latitudinal variation in Coriolis force
  • Wind currents east towards equator and poles and west in between - effect movement of ocean currents

Coriolis force - winds are deflected by rotating Earth

  • If a ball is thrown on a rotating disc = ball is deflected 
  • Winds rotate in different directions depending on position
  • North hemisphere - rotate to right and south hemisphere - rotate to left
  • Less effect in poles and more near equatotr

Wind pattern and Coriolis forces = Ekman spiral = Ekman transport (water mass in 1 direction)

  • Wind creates tension on surface of ocean = currents form
  • Currents deflected by Coriolis forces
  • Currents at deeper layers affected more = more deflections
  • Ekman transport = sum of deflection at different depths
  • Northern hemisphere - currents deflected to right and southern hemisphere - left
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Atlantic Meridional Transect Programme (AMT)

Gyre - large system of circulating ocean currents, those involved with large wind movements

Sub-tropical gyres located w/in central sections of ocean

Atlantic Meridional Transect Programme (AMT):

  • Addressed question relating to mesoscale/basin-scale ocean plankton and biogeochemistry and linked to atmosphere
  • Research vessel RSS James Clark Ross
  • Samples at different depths along transect
  • 50' N (UK) in May to 50' South in September 
  • Different times - reduce effects of seasonality
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Basin-Scale Patterns

Sea surface temps:

  • Equator highest temp
  • Poles lowest temp
  • High temps and upwelling = more precipitation = inter-tropical convergence zone

Sea surface salinity:

  • Near equator = precipitation>evaporation = low salinity
  • Sub-tropical areas = evaportation>precipitations = high salinity
  • Enclosed oceans = high salinity
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Basin-Scale Patterns 2

Surface nitrates:

  • Oligotrophic waters - water body w/ poor plant nutrients and abundant oxygen in deep areas
  • Eutrophic - water body rich in nutrients = dense plant population 
    • If closed water body = decomposition can deprive fauna of oxygen
  • Eutrophic waters = polar and equatorial oceans

Surface Chlorophyll a:

  • North West African upwelling - wind pushing water and dust off coast
    • Western winds carry sand from Sahara Desert = blooms
    • Enzyme responsible for N fixation requires iron = dust inputs important
  • Equatorial upwelling with wind = divergence of water
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The Gulf Stream

Warm fast-flowing boundary current on western side of subtropical gyre by USA

North of it = Labrabor current = warm and cold core rings form

  • Rings have different temperatures/nutrients to outside the ring = mesoscosms

Eddy - circular movement of water causing small whirlpool

Meso-scale eddies form in Gulf Stream = pump nutrient-rich waters from ocean depths and stimulate new primary productions

Bumps - movements from deep to surface

Depression - movements from surface to deep

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Sub-Tropical Gyres and Primary Productivity

New nutrients - enter euphotic zone from outside systems (wind, deep waters, rivers) = support new primary production

Regenerated nutrients - recycled within euphotic zone and support regenerated population e.g. urea

f-ratio - ratio of nitrate (NO3) uptake by phytoplankton to total inorganic (N-) and organic (urea) uptake by phytoplankton

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Views of Sub-Tropical Gyre Production

Old view:

  • Sub-tropical gyres are marine deserts = low biomass and production
  • Inefficient ecosystems w/ nutrient-limited growth
  • Low f-ratios ~0.1

New view:

  • Evidence from AMT transects etc
  • Dynamic systems w/ episodic mixing events
  • Important in annual production - 65% annual production in 2 weeks
  • Episodic production increases annual f-ratio
  • Clearly defined vertical structure for annual production
  • In deep waters - blooms during winter (mixing) and NO3 inputs
  • Upper waters - blooms in late summer (N-fixing bacteria and eddy events)
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Role of N-Fixation and Vertical Migration in Sub-T


  • Can supply 60-90% nitrogen required if no other inputs
  • Carried out by N-fixing cyanobacteria

Vertical migration:

  • Some phytoplankton migrate between upper and deeper waters
  • Rhizosolenia (diatom) = mats which move vertically - take NO3 at depth and return to surface for photosynthesis
    • Repeat when intracellular stores depleted
  • Oscillatoria spp. (cyanobacteria) migrate to mine deep inorganic phosphorus pools
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Trophic Dynamics

Autotrophs - Prokaryotes (P.marinus) and eukaryotes flagellates

  • Dominanted by picoplankton - 60-90% chlorophyll a biomass and 60-80% carbon fixation due to <2um cells
  • Larger autotrophs occasionally important - provide fresh nutrient supply
  • Larger species = diatom blooms

Biogeography of Phytoplankton 

  • Chlorophyll maxium at different depths = vertical structure of water column and cellular response to different light levels
  • Small phytoplankton - regions where nutrient levels low = regenerated nutrients
  • Large phytoplankton - regions with high levels of nutrients = no regenerated nutrients

Grazers - small heterotrophs e.g. heterotrophic flagellates, planktonic ciliates, heterotrophic dinoflagellates

Oceanic zooplankton - copepods, crustaceans, gelatinous species

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Sub-Tropical Gyre Food Webs

Both microbial loop and classical food chains

LIMITED NUTRIENTS = microbial loop dominant

NUTRIENT INPUTS = classical food-chain dominant briefly

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Microbial Loop Web

Bacterial production involved - important

Inputs = dissolved organic matter from plankton

Small heterotrophic zooflagellates link to classic food web

Mixotrophy common

Important for remineralisation and nutrient cycling - when nutrients are limited

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Classic Food Web

Generally 6 trophic levels

Small pelagic forage fish = important intermidiate level

High trophic leves = fast-swimming predators, marine mammals and surface-feeding birds

Low levels of regenerated production continously grazed by zooplankton

Allochthonous - material imported into an ecosystem from outside e.g. wind, rivers

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